Nakon dvije godine virtualnih sastanaka, ove godine je održan Godišnji sastanak ECMetAC-Days2022, organiziran je u Splitu od 21. do 24. studenog 2022. Europski integrirani centar za razvoj novih metalnih slitina i spojeva (ECMetAC) se sastoji od 21 sveučilišta ili nacionalnih instituta. Glavna svrha centra je promicanje suradnje u istraživanju u fizici čvrstog stanja gdje svi partneri imaju pristup najkvalitetnijoj znanstvenoj infrastrukturi, od sinteze monokristalnih uzoraka, strukturne karakterizacije do modeliranja na računalnim centrima i najnovijim tehnikama za istraživanja u fizici čvrstog stanja. Dok je Institut za fiziku član centra od osnivanja ECMetAC-a, PMF u Zagrebu i PMF u Splitu su se priključili nešto kasnije.
Hrvatski znanstvenici su ove godine imali vrlo zapaženu ulogu na sastanku s 14 priloga. Vrijedi istaknuti “The young scientist best oral presentation” priznanje koje je dodijeljeno Priyanki Reddy s PMFa u Zagrebu za predavanje “Murunskite: a bridge between cuprates and pnictides”.
Compositionally complex alloys: some problems and prospects
prof. dr. sc. Emil Babić, PMF Zagreb
Nodal-line driven anomalous susceptibility in ZrSiS
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Novak, PMF Zagreb
Pressure evolution of electronic and crystal structures of EuTGe3 (T = Co, Rh, Ir)
Naveen Singh Dhami, mag. phys., IF
Murunskite: a bridge between cuprates and pnictides
Priyanka Reddy, mag. phys., PMF Zagreb
High throughput in-vivo toxicity test of organo-metallic photovoltaic perovskites via micro fluidics on the C. elegans
Josipa Šćurla, mag. phys., PMF Split
Collective plasmon modes of Dirac electrons in composite systems
izv. prof. dr. sc. Željana Bonačić Lošić, PMF Split
Complexities of 2H-NbS2 intercalations
dr. sc. Petar Popčević, IF
Poster prezentacije:
Contributions to the understanding of thermal and electronic transport in complex metallic compounds: from periodic to quasi-periodic crystals
dr. sc. Ana Smontara, IF
Superconductivity and possible variable range hopping in (TiZrNbCu)1-xNix, (TiZrNbNi)1-xCux and (TiZrNbCu)1-xCox complex amorphous alloys
izv. Prof. dr. sc. Mario Basletić, PMF Zagreb
Truly colossal negative magnetoresistance in EuCd2As2 at low temperatures
Bruno Gudac, mag. phys., PMF Zagreb
Photoresponse behavior of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Gaurav Pransu, mag. phys., IF
Emergence of intercalated transition metal derived bands near the Fermi level of (Co,
Ni)1/3NbS2 dr. sc. Yuki Utsumi Boucher, IF
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic transition metal chalcogenides
Seyed Ashkan Moghadam Ziabari, mag. phys., IF
Tuning thermal conductivity of hydrogen fuel cell catalyst films
Anton Kabaši, mag. phsy., PMF Split
Highlights from the ECMetAC Days 2022
Annual meeting ECMetAC-Days 2022, was organized in person in Split from November 21 to 24, 2022. The European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metal Alloys and Compounds (ECMetAC) is comprised of 21 universities or national research institutes. The main objective of the center is promotion of collaborative research in material science where all partners have access to a world-level facilities for materials preparation, single crystal growth, material modeling at high performance computing centers, structural characterization, and state of the art techniques in solid state physics research. While Institute of Physics, Zagreb is member of the center from its founding, PMF Zagreb and PMF Split joined latter which resulted in formation of a Croatian ECMetAC node.
Croatian scientists had notable role in the meeting this year with 14 contributions (please see the list below). It is worth mentioning that “The young scientist best oral presentation” was awarded to Priyanka Reddy from PMF Zagreb for the talk “Murunskite: a bridge between cuprates and pnictides”.
Oral presentations:
Compositionally complex alloys: some problems and prospects
presented by prof. dr. sc. Emil Babić, PMF Zagreb
Nodal-line driven anomalous susceptibility in ZrSiS
presented by izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Novak, PMF Zagreb
Pressure evolution of electronic and crystal structures of EuTGe3 (T = Co, Rh, Ir)
presented by Naveen Singh Dhami, mag. phys., IF
Murunskite: a bridge between cuprates and pnictides
presented by Priyanka Reddy, mag. phys., PMF Zagreb
High throughput in-vivo toxicity test of organo-metallic photovoltaic perovskites via micro fluidics on the C. elegans
presented by Josipa Šćurla, mag. phys., PMF Split
Collective plasmon modes of Dirac electrons in composite systems
presented by izv. prof. dr. sc. Željana Bonačić Lošić, PMF Split
Complexities of 2H-NbS2 intercalations
presented by dr. sc. Petar Popčević, IF
Poster presentations:
Contributions to the understanding of thermal and electronic transport in complex metallic compounds: from periodic to quasi-periodic crystals
presented by dr. sc. Ana Smontara, IF
Superconductivity and possible variable range hopping in (TiZrNbCu)1-xNix, (TiZrNbNi)1-xCux and (TiZrNbCu)1-xCox complex amorphous alloys
presented by izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Basletić, PMF Zagreb
Truly colossal negative magnetoresistance in EuCd2As2 at low temperatures
Presented by Bruno Gudac, mag. phys., PMF Zagreb
Photoresponse behavior of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
presented by Gaurav Pransu, mag. phys., IF
Emergence of intercalated transition metal derived bands near the Fermi level of (Co,
Ni)1/3NbS2 presented by dr. sc. Yuki Utsumi Boucher, IF
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic transition metal chalcogenides
presented by Seyed Ashkan Moghadam Ziabari, mag. phys., IF
Tuning thermal conductivity of hydrogen fuel cell catalyst films
presented by Anton Kabaši, mag. phsy., PMF Split