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Zavod/služba: | Zavod za matematičku analizu |
integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski
Četvrtak 12-13 ili po dogovoru
Sharpening the Dirac inequality
Dirac inequality for highest weight Harish-Chandra modules I
Dirac inequality for highest weight Harish-Chandra modules I
Dirac inequality for highest weight Harish-Chandra modules II
Sharpening the Dirac inequality
Representation theoretic embedding of twisted Dirac operators
Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras
Dirac index and associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules
Twisted Dirac Index and Applications to Characters
Dirac index and twisted characters
Computing the associated cycles of certain Harish- Chandra modules
Dirac operator and its cohomology for the quantum group Uq(sl2)
BGG complexes in singular infinitesimal character for type A
On classifying unitary modules by their Dirac cohomology
Translation principle for Dirac index
Classifying Aq(lambda) modules by their Dirac cohomology
Higher Dirac cohomology of modules with generalized infinitesimal character
Branching problems and sl(2, ℂ)-actions
Dirac cohomology of unipotent representations of Sp(2n, R) and U(p, q)
Dirac cohomology and translation functors
Dirac cohomology, K-characters and branching laws
Dirac cohomology and unipotent representations of complex groups
Dirac cohomology of Wallach representations
Dirac induction for Harish-Chandra modules
Dirac operators on Weil representations I
Dirac cohomology and the bottom layer K-types
Dirac operators on Weil representations II
Dirac operators and unitarizability of Harish- Chandra modules
Dirac cohomology of some Harish-Chandra modules
Zuckerman functors between equivariant derived categories
Dirac operators in representation theory
Dirac operators and Lie algebra cohomology
Cohomological methods in representation theory
A simple proof of Bernstein-Lunts equivalence
A simple proof of Bernstein-Lunts equivalence
Dirac cohomology for Lie superalgebras
Dirac cohomology for Harish-Chandra modules
Dirac operators and Lie algebra cohomology
Dirac cohomology for Lie superalgebras
Functional analysis VIII. Proceedings of the Postgraduate School and Conference held in Dubrovnik, June 15-22, 2003.
Dirac operators in representation theory
Dirac Cohomology of (g, K)-modules
Coproducts for Clifford algebras
Dirac cohomology and u-cohomology for (g, K)-modules
Functional analysis VII. Proceedings of the Postgraduate School and Conference held in Dubrovnik, September 17-26, 2001.
Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan
Dirac cohomology and u-cohomology
Dirac cohomology and unitary representations
Equivariant analogues of Zuckerman and Bernstein functors
A proof of Vogan's conjecture about Dirac operators
Some homological constructions in representation theory
Some homological constructions in representation theory
Equivariant derived categories, Zuckerman functors and localization
Equivariant analogues of Zuckerman functors
On degeneration of the spectral sequence for the composition of Zuckerman functors
Equivariant analogues of Zuckerman functors
New dual pair correspondences
Topology of non-unitary dual space of SL(2, R) and SL(2, C)
Topology of non-unitary dual space of SL(2, R), SL(2, C) and SL(2, R)~
Topology of nonunitary dual space of SL(2, R) and SL(2, C)
Harmonic analysis on SL(n, R)/GL(n-1, R)