Zvanje: | redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju |
Lokacija: | 224 |
Telefon: | 5742 |
E-mail: | |
Osobna stranica na Webu: | https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~adamovic/ |
Zavod/služba: | Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva |
Godina diplomiranja: | 1992. |
Godina magistriranja: | 1995. |
Godina doktoriranja: | 1996. |
Na zavodu od: | 1992. |
integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski
Utorak, 10-12
On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type: Twisted modules and nonabelian orbifolds
On the semi-simplicity of the category $KL$ for affine vertex superalgebras at collapsing levels
On classification of irreducible modules of minimal unitary affine W-algebras
Tensor category $KL_k(sl(2n))$ via minimal affine W-algebras at the non-admissible level $k=-(2n+1)/2$
Weight module classifications for Bershadsky–Polyakov algebras
On some coincidences between logarithmic vertex algebras
Defining Relations for Minimal Unitary Quantum Affine W-Algebras
Relaxed and logarithmic modules of $\widehat{sl}_3$
On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type: twisted modules and nonabelian orbifolds
On classification of irreducible modules of minimal unitary affine W-algebras
On the representation theory of affine vertex algebras and $W$-algebras on conformal and collapsing levels: an overview
New approaches for studying conformal embeddings and collapsing levels for W-algebras
A duality between vertex superalgebras $L_{;;;-3/2};;; (\mathfrak{;;;osp};;;(1\vert 2)) $ and $\mathcal V^{;;; (2)};;;$ and generalizations to logarithmic vertex algebras
On the representation theory of the vertex algebra L−5/2(sl(4))
Whittaker modules for $\widehat{;mathfrak {;gl};};$ and W_{;1+∞}; -modules which are not tensor products
Bershadsky-Polyakov vertex algebras at positive integer levels and duality
On parafermion vertex algebras of 𝔰𝔩(2) and 𝔰𝔩(3) at level -3/2
On the semisimplicity of the category $KL_k$ for affine Lie superalgebras
On the representation theory of the vertex algebra L−5/2(sl(4))
The N = 1 super Heisenberg–Virasoro vertex algebra at level zero
On the representation theory of $L_{;;;-5/2};;;(sl(4))$
Weyl vertex algebra: Whittaker modules and fusion rules
On certain W-algebras of type $W_k(sl(4),f)$
Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras
The vertex algebras $\mathcal V^{;;;(p)};;;$ and $ \mathcal R^{;;; (p)};;;$
On some vertex algebras related to $V_{;;;; -1};;;; (sl(n))$ and their characters
A realisation of the Bershadsky–Polyakov algebras and their relaxed modules
Classification of irreducible modules for Bershadsky–Polyakov algebra at certain levels
On the 𝑁=1 super Heisenberg-Virasoro vertex algebra
βγ ghosts: Whittaker modules and fusion rules
Beta-gamma ghosts: Whittaker modules and fusion rules
Fusion rules for the Beta-gamma system and Lie superalgebra gl(1,1)
On logarithmic and Whittaker modules for affine vertex operator algebras and beyond
On Zhu's algebra and C2–algebra for symplectic fermion vertex algebra SF(d)+
Conformal embeddings in affine vertex superalgebras
On irreducibility of Whittaker modules for cyclic orbifold vertex algebras and application to the Weyl algebra
On the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at collapsing level
Affine Vertex Algebras, collapsing levels and representation theory
Some new constructions of vertex algebras and their modules in LCFT
On fusion rules for the Weyl vertex algebra modules
On fusion rules and intertwining operators for the Weyl vertex algebra
Kostant Pairs of Lie Type and Conformal Embeddings
On logarithmic and Whittaker modules for affine vertex operator algebras and beyond
Realizations of Simple Affine Vertex Algebras and Their Modules: The Cases {;;;widehat{;;;sl(2)};;;};;; s l ( 2 ) ^ and {;;;widehat{;;;osp(1, 2)};;;};;; o s p ( 1 , 2 ) ^
On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type for cyclic orbifold vertex algebras
Affine, Vertex and W-algebras
On fusion rules for the Weyl vertex algebra modules
An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras
On the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at collapsing level
On fusion rules for the Weyl vertex algebra modules
Self-dual and logarithmic representations of the twisted Heisenberg–Virasoro algebra at level zero
On realisations of certain vertex algebras connected with modern physical theories
On logarithmic modules for affine vertex operator algebras
On recent realizations of simple affine vertex algebras, their applications and generalizations
Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras I: Structural results
An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras
On the classification of non-equal rank affine conformal embeddings and applications
On indecomposable and logarithmic modules for affine vertex operator algebras
Conformal embeddings and affine vertex operator algebras at negative integer levels
On realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules
Realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and decompositions in conformal embeddings
On indecomposable and logarithmic modules for affine vertex operator algebras
On irreducibility of Whittaker modules for cyclic orbifold vertex algebras and application to the Weyl algebra
Weight and Whittaker modules for Weyl vertex algebra
Conformal embeddings and associated vertex algebras
Conformal embeddings and associated vertex algebras
Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras II: decompositions
On realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules
A note on the affine vertex algebra associated to gl(1/1) at the critical level and its generalizations
Conformal embeddings and the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at negative integer levels
On Extensions of Affine Vertex Algebras at Half-Integer Levels
Some applications and constructions of intertwining operators in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
On principal realization of modules for the affine Lie algebra $A_1 ^{;;; ; ; (1)};;; ; ; $ at the critical level
On Wakimoto and Whittaker modules for affine vertex operator algebras
Conformal embeddings and the representation theory of affine vertex operator algebras
Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in W-algebras ant their applications
Conformal embeddings and realizations of certain simple W-algebras
A realization of certain modules for the N=4 superconformal algebra and the affine Lie algebra A_2 ^{;;; ; ; (1)};;; ; ;
Whittaker modules for the affine Lie algebra A_1 ^(1)
Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings
On Wakimoto and Whittaker modules for affine vertex algebras
On vertex algebraic constructions of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules
On the representation theory of affine vertex algebras and W-algebras
On Free Field Realizations of W(2, 2)-Modules
Free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero and its applications
Vertex Algebras W(p) ^{;; ; A_m};; ; and W(p) {;; ; D_m};; ; and Constant Term Identities
ADE subalgebras of the triplet vertex algebra W(p): D_m-series
A classification of irreducible Wakimoto modules for the affine Lie algebra $A_1 ^{;;; ; (1)};;; ; $
Fusion rules and complete reducibility of certain modules for affine Lie algebras
ADE subalgebras of the triplet vertex algebra W(p): A-series
Some general results on conformal embeddings of affine vertex operator algebras
Vertex operator (super)algebras and LCFT
The Vertex Algebra $M(1)^+$ and Certain Affine Vertex Algebras of Level -1
An explicit realization of logarithmic modules for the vertex operator algebra W(p, p)'
On W-algebra extensions of (2, p) Minimal Models: p > 3
The structure of Zhu's algebras for certain W-algebras
On W-Algebras Associated to (2, p) Minimal Models and Their Representations
On coset vertex algebras with central charge 1
The N = 1 Triplet Vertex Operator Superalgebras
Lattice construction of logarithmic modules for certain vertex algebras
An analogue of modular BPZ-equation in logarithmic (super)conformal field theory
The N = 1 Triplet Vertex Operator Superalgebras: Twisted Sector
Representations of certain non-rational vertex operator algebras of affine type
On the triplet vertex algebra W(p)
On realization of certain admissible A^(1)_1-modules
Logarithmic intertwining operators and W(2, 2p− 1) algebras
A family of regular vertex operator algebras with two generators
Lie Superalgebras and Irreducibility of A_1 ^(1)-Modules at the Critical Level
A construction of admissible A_1^(1)-modules of level - 4/3
Regularity of certain vertex operator superalgebras
Classification of irreducible modules of certain subalgebras of free boson vertex algebra
Tensor products of modules for vertex operator algebras
Representations of the vertex algebra W_{1+\infty} with a negative integer central charge
Vertex algebra Approach to Fusion Rules for N=2 Superconformal Minimal Models
Representations of the N=2 superconformal vertex algebra
Representations of vertex algebras
Rationality of Neveu-Schwarz vertex operator superalgebras
Vertex operator algebras and irreducibility of certain modules for affine Lie algebras
On vertex algebras associated to representations of affine Lie algebras
New irreducible modules for affine Lie algebras at the critical level
Vertex operator algebras associated to modular invariant representations for A_1 ^(1)
Some rational vertex algebras