The Future of Tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic Region

International symposium in memory of Zlatko Pepeonik, 1934-2004

Hermagor, Carinthia, Austria, 22-24 October 2024

Zlatko PEPEONIK at the Biokovo mountains, above Makarska, Croatia

Zlatko PEPEONIK, born 1934 in Varaždin, professor at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, was an eminent Croatian geographer and tourism researcher. He taught also at the Portland State University, Oregon, and the University of Texas, Austin, as well as at the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina. He was an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Commission for Tourism and Recreation of the International Geographical Union (IGU). He was the editor-in-chief of the scientific journals Priroda (1984–85) and Geografski horizont (1990–94). He wrote
textbooks on tourism geography. He dealt with tourism and regional geography of Croatia, Northern Europe and North America, as well as demography and spatial planning. His close relations to Austrian geography are documented by his co-authorship of the issue “International Tourism Attractions in Central and Southeastern Europe” of the Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, edited by Peter JORDAN. He died twenty years ago in Zagreb, and the symposium is organized in commemoration of this fact.

Symposium program

Available at link.


Southeast Europe Association and its Klagenfurt branch
Austrian Geographical Society and its Klagenfurt branch
University of Klagenfurt, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Geography and Regional Research
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography
Croatian Geographical Society


IGU Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change
IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Response
Association of Slovenian Geographers
Italian Geographical Society
University of Primorska, Koper/Capodistria
Municipality Hermagor-Pressegger See
NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH, Hermagor
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, III. Department of Natural Sciences

Scientific committee

Peter JORDAN (chair), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research; University of the Free State (South Africa), Faculty of Humanities
Cristina BERETTA, University of Klagenfurt, Department of Slavic Studies
Hansjörg BREY, Southeast Europe Association
Ivan ČANJEVAC, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Anita FILIPČIĆ, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Borna FUERST-BJELIŠ, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography; IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization, and Regional and Local Response
Slaven GAŠPAROVIĆ, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Igor JELEN, University of Trieste, Department of Political and Social Sciences
Mladen JURAČIĆ, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Miha KODERMAN, University of Primorska Koper/Capodistria, Department of Geography
Jelena LONČAR, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Peter MANDL, University of Klagenfurt, Department of Geography and Regional Studies
Mladen MARADIN, Croatian Geographical Society
Max-Peter MENZEL, University of Klagenfurt, Department of Geography and Regional Studies
Vuk Tvrtko OPAČIĆ, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Eckehard PISTRICK, Gustav Mahler Private University of Music, Klagenfurt
Klaus SCHÖNEBERGER, University of Klagenfurt, Department of Cultural Analysis
Ivan ŠULC, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography
Julie WILSON, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Faculty of Economics and Business; IGU Commission on Geography of Tourism, Leisure, and Global Change
Helmut WOHLSCHLÄGL, Austrian Geographical Society


The symposium takes place in the hotel “Carinzia” operated by Falkensteiner in Tröpolach, the valley station of the cable car to the Nassfeld skiing and hiking resort nearby Hermagor, the center of one of the prominent tourist regions in Carinthia [Kärnten], Austria. Catering (coffee breaks, light lunch) will be provided by the NLW Tourismus Marketing GmbH. Besides by car, the venue can be accessed by railway (up to Hermagor) and public bus.


Pre-registration online from 1 July to 30 September 2024 via the SOG website Please use this opportunity as much as possible! It will facilitate planning rooms and catering
enormously. On-site at the venue 22 October 2024, 8.00 to 09.30 a.m. This should just be to confirm your presence and pre-registration. Exceptions granted.
No registration fees will be requested.


Responsibility for travel and accommodation rests with the participants. Hotel “Carinzia” in Tröpolach, where the symposium takes place, is a large hotel with the capacity to host all participants. The hotel will reserve rooms for symposium participants up to 31 August 2024, and you can book your room via Should you prefer to be accommodated in other hotels or private accommodation facilities (bed & breakfast) in Tröpolach or its surroundings, please approach