Zvanje: | docent |
Lokacija: | A315 |
Telefon: | 5894 |
E-mail: | |
URL službenih stranica na Webu: | https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~mbasic/ |
Zavod/služba: | Zavod za matematičku analizu |
Godina diplomiranja: | 2008. |
Godina doktoriranja: | 2015. |
integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski
Utorkom i četvrtkom u 13, uz prethodnu najavu i dogovor e-mailom.
Knjiga Aha! Putovanje u središte problema, Hrvatsko matematičko društvo, Zagreb, 2020 - prodaja
Doktorska disretacija Stable homotopy theory of dendroidal sets, Nijmegen, 2015.
1. Bašić, Matija. On the combinatorics of faces of trees and anodyne extensions of dendroidal sets. // Glasnik matematički. 53 (2018),2; 403-436
2. Bašić, Matija; Nikolaus, Thomas. Homology of dendroidal sets. // Homology homotopy and applications. 19 (2017) , 1; 111-134
3. Bašić, Matija; Nikolaus, Thomas. Dendroidal sets as models for connective spectra. // Journal of K-Theory. 14 (2014) , 3; 387-421
4. Bašić, Matija; Milin Šipuš, Željka. Students’ understanding of the interplay between geometry and algebra in multidimensional analysis: representations of curves and surfaces // Proceedings of the 11th Congress of European Society for Research in Mathematics Education CERME 11, Utrecht, Netherlands (2019). / Jankvist, Uffe Thomas ; van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Marja ; Veldhuis, Michiel (ur.).
Utrecht University : Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands and ERME, 2019. 2426-2433
5. Ž. Milin Šipuš, M. Bašić, M. Doorman, E. Špalj, S. Antoliš, MERIA - Conflict lines: experience with two innovative teaching materials, to appear in CEPS Journal on Problem Solving and Problem Posing: From Conceptualisation to Implementation in the Mathematics Classroom, 2020.
6. M. Bašić, Ž. Milin Šipuš, Didactic potentials of a task sequence: teaching the notion of a space curve, Barcelona, submitted to Communications to the Intensive Research Programmme: Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic and their consequences in curricula and in teacher education, Barcelona, 2020, in press.
7. M. Doorman, M. Bašić, Ž. Milin Šipuš, R. Bos, Tasks and scenarios for promoting inquiry based mathematics teaching, ICME2020, Shanghai, China (accepted for presentation)
2019 ECME: Enhancing connections in Mathematics Education, Zagreb, Hrvatska (organizator)
organizator karijernih dana za studente matematike PMF-a: WISe, Meet the mathematicians
nositelj kolegija Stručna praksa - stranica Karijernog centra PMF-a
Nagrada Stipe Vidak: 2021, 2020
1. Teorija homotopije za operade i primjene na fiziku, Stipendija HRZZ za doktorande, 2011-2012 (voditelj)
2. Erasmus+ projekt MERIA – Mathematics education, relevant, interesting and applicable, 2016-2019. (voditelj)
3. Erasmus+ projekt TIME - Teachers' Inquiry in Mathematics Education, 2019-2022. (voditelj)
4. Erasmus+ projekt STEMkey, 2020-2023. (voditeljica Katja Maass, Universität Freiburg, Njemačka)
5. BioMedMath, ESF, 2018-2021. (voditelj Hrvoje Šikić, PMF, Zagreb, Hrvatska)