1. Properties of crystals (nucleation, growth, habit, color, hardness). 2. Miller index; point groups, symmetry elements, proper and improper axes. 3. Symmetry elements with translation: helical axes, glide planes; Bravais lattices; space groups (symbols of space groups).4. Space groups (in detail). 5. Basics of X-ray diffraction (Bragg's law, symmetry of diffraction image, systematic absences of reflections. 6. X-.ray data collection. 7. Methods for solving crystal structures (Patterson and direct methods) 8. Refining structures. 9. Structure of metals and alloys; close packing 10. Phase diagrams 11. Ionic bonding and structures. 12. Molecular crystals (interatomic interactions). Structure-property relationship throughout the lectures.
Finding an appropriate crystal for X-ray data collection, data collection, structure solution and refinement; interpretation of the structure. Written short report.