1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
10.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 1 (38071)
Požek, M.
- | 120
| 1 | INFO |
8.0 |
General Chemistry (36405)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 90
| 1 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (36406)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
9.0 |
Mathematics 1 (36377)
Resman, M.
- | 105
| 1 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 1 (38079)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 1 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Analytical Chemistry (36408)
Jednačak, T.; Galić, N.
- | 75
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
Computers and Operating Systems (36403)
Jablan, M.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
9.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 2 (36404)
Požek, M.
- | 90
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 2 (36407)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
9.0 |
Mathematics 2 (36402)
Resman, M.
- | 90
| 2 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 2 (38080)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 2 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Analytical Chemistry (40756)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
9.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 3 (40749)
Basletić, M.
- | 105
| 3 | INFO |
8.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry (40751)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
6.0 |
Mathematics 3 (40748)
Resman, M.; Berić, T.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 3 (40849)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics Laboratory A (40750)
Akrap, A.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 1
=> 3. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (40759)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (40758)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 3, 5 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Physical Chemistry (40757)
Kovačević, D.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
8.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 4 (40753)
Basletić, M.
- | 105
| 4 | INFO |
6.0 |
Mathematics 4 (40752)
Berić, T.
- | 75
| 4 | INFO |
8.0 |
Physical Chemistry (40755)
Kovačević, D.
- | 90
| 4 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 4 (40850)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics Laboratory B (40754)
Akrap, A.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics (40761)
Smolčić, V.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
10.0 |
Electrodynamics (63554)
Horvatić, D.
- | 105
| 5 | INFO |
2.0 |
Inorganic chemistry laboratory (40762)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
6.0 |
Organic chemistry 1 (40764)
Biljan, I.
- | 75
| 5 | INFO |
2.0 |
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (40763)
Biljan, I.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 2
=> 5. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (40759)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (40758)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Mineralogy 1 (40778)
Schneider, P.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 | Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (40780) | - | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry (40779)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (40781)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 1
=> 5. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Biophysics (40771)
Supek, S.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics of Materials (40772)
Kokanović, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History of Physics (40770)
Vukelja, T.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere (40773)
Dasović, I.; Belušić, D.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
8.0 |
Biochemistry (40768)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 105
| 6 | INFO |
2.0 |
Biochemistry Laboratory (40769)
Dulić, M.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
6.0 |
Organic chemistry 2 (40765)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 75
| 6 | INFO |
8.0 |
Quantum Physics (63558)
Horvatić, D.
- | 90
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Statistical Physics (40767)
Rukelj, Z.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 2
=> 6. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Energetics (40777)
Pelc, D.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Medical Physics (40775)
Bokulić, T.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 | Mineralogy 2 (40776) | - | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics and Philosophy (40774)
Vukelja, T.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
7. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Advanced Chemistry Laboratory (51055)
Đaković, M.; Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
8.0 |
Educational Psychology (51050)
Rovan, D.
- | 90
| 7 | INFO |
6.0 |
Fundamentals of Solid State Physics (51052)
Radić, D.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
6.0 |
Laboratory in Physics Education 1 (51054)
Jeličić, K.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 3
=> 7. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (51069)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry (51067)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystallochemistry (51065)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystal Structure Determination by Diffraction Methods (51066)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Instrumental Analysis 1 (51063)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Molecular Spectroscopy (51068)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Radioanalytical Methods (51064)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Didactics (51057)
Žnidarec Čučković, A.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
6.0 |
General Pedagogy (51056)
Vidić, T.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
7.0 |
Laboratory in Physics Education 2 (91243)
Jeličić, K.; Matejak Cvenić, K.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
7.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry (91245)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 3
=> 7. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (51069)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry (51067)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystallochemistry (51065)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystal Structure Determination by Diffraction Methods (51066)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Instrumental Analysis 1 (51063)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Molecular Spectroscopy (51068)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Radioanalytical Methods (51064)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 3
=> 8. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Atomic and Molecular Physics (51061)
Đerek, V.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Electronics (51062)
Tafra, E.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics of Disordered Systems (51060)
Pajić, D.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
9. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
9.0 |
Laboratory of Teaching Methods in Chemistry (63145)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 120
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Physics Education 1 (63142)
Planinić, M.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry (63140)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
2.0 |
Teaching Practice in Physics 1 (97110)
Jeličić, K.
- | 30
| 9 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 4
=> 9. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Laboratory in Fundamentals in Electronics (63157)
Tafra, E.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity (63154)
Tafra, E.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Nanomaterial Physics (63158)
Pajić, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics of Surfaces and Nanostructures (141478)
Bilalbegović, G.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Selected Topics in Nuclear and Particle Physics (63153)
Bosnar, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
10. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Physics Education 2 (63146)
Planinić, M.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Practice in Chemistry (63149)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
2.0 |
Teaching Practice in Physics 2 (97111)
Jeličić, K.
- | 30
| 10 | INFO |
21.0 | Thesis research (141284) | - | 75
| 10 | INFO |
1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
10.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 1 (38071)
Požek, M.
- | 120
| 1 | INFO |
8.0 |
General Chemistry (36405)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 90
| 1 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 1 (36406)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 60
| 1 | INFO |
9.0 |
Mathematics 1 (36377)
Resman, M.
- | 105
| 1 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 1 (38079)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 1 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Analytical Chemistry (36408)
Jednačak, T.; Galić, N.
- | 75
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
Computers and Operating Systems (36403)
Jablan, M.
- | 45
| 2 | INFO |
9.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 2 (36404)
Požek, M.
- | 90
| 2 | INFO |
3.0 |
General Chemistry Laboratory 2 (36407)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.
- | 60
| 2 | INFO |
9.0 |
Mathematics 2 (36402)
Resman, M.
- | 90
| 2 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 2 (38080)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 2 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Analytical Chemistry (40756)
Jednačak, T.
- | 45
| 3 | INFO |
9.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 3 (40749)
Basletić, M.
- | 105
| 3 | INFO |
8.0 |
Inorganic Chemistry (40751)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
6.0 |
Mathematics 3 (40748)
Resman, M.; Berić, T.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 3 (40849)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 3 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics Laboratory A (40750)
Akrap, A.
- | 75
| 3 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 1
=> 3. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (40759)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (40758)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 3, 5 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
2.0 |
Basic Laboratory in Physical Chemistry (40757)
Kovačević, D.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
8.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics 4 (40753)
Basletić, M.
- | 105
| 4 | INFO |
6.0 |
Mathematics 4 (40752)
Berić, T.
- | 75
| 4 | INFO |
8.0 |
Physical Chemistry (40755)
Kovačević, D.
- | 90
| 4 | INFO |
0.0 |
Physical Education and Health Culture 4 (40850)
Fučkar Reichel, K.; Vulić, J.
- | 30
| 4 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics Laboratory B (40754)
Akrap, A.
- | 60
| 4 | INFO |
5. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Astronomy and Astrophysics (40761)
Smolčić, V.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
10.0 |
Electrodynamics (63554)
Horvatić, D.
- | 105
| 5 | INFO |
2.0 |
Inorganic chemistry laboratory (40762)
Rubčić, M.; Soldin, Ž.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
6.0 |
Organic chemistry 1 (40764)
Biljan, I.
- | 75
| 5 | INFO |
2.0 |
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (40763)
Biljan, I.
- | 30
| 5 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 2
=> 5. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Environmental Chemistry (40759)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History and Philosophy of Chemistry (40758)
Stilinović, V.
- | 30
| 3, 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Mineralogy 1 (40778)
Schneider, P.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 | Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (40780) | - | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry (40779)
Kodrin, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry (40781)
Kovačević, D.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 1
=> 5. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Biophysics (40771)
Supek, S.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Fundamentals of Physics of Materials (40772)
Kokanović, I.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
History of Physics (40770)
Vukelja, T.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere (40773)
Dasović, I.; Belušić, D.
- | 45
| 5 | INFO |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
8.0 |
Biochemistry (40768)
Rokov Plavec, J.
- | 105
| 6 | INFO |
2.0 |
Biochemistry Laboratory (40769)
Dulić, M.
- | 30
| 6 | INFO |
6.0 |
Organic chemistry 2 (40765)
Petrović Peroković, V.
- | 75
| 6 | INFO |
8.0 |
Quantum Physics (63558)
Horvatić, D.
- | 90
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Statistical Physics (40767)
Rukelj, Z.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 2
=> 6. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
3.0 |
Energetics (40777)
Pelc, D.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Medical Physics (40775)
Bokulić, T.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 | Mineralogy 2 (40776) | - | 45
| 6 | INFO |
3.0 |
Physics and Philosophy (40774)
Vukelja, T.
- | 45
| 6 | INFO |
7. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Advanced Chemistry Laboratory (51055)
Đaković, M.; Juranović Cindrić, I.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
8.0 |
Educational Psychology (51050)
Rovan, D.
- | 90
| 7 | INFO |
6.0 |
Fundamentals of Solid State Physics (51052)
Radić, D.
- | 45
| 7 | INFO |
6.0 |
Laboratory in Physics Education 1 (51054)
Jeličić, K.
- | 60
| 7 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 3
=> 7. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (51069)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry (51067)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystallochemistry (51065)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystal Structure Determination by Diffraction Methods (51066)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Instrumental Analysis 1 (51063)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Molecular Spectroscopy (51068)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Radioanalytical Methods (51064)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Didactics (51057)
Žnidarec Čučković, A.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
6.0 |
General Pedagogy (51056)
Vidić, T.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
7.0 |
Laboratory in Physics Education 2 (91243)
Jeličić, K.; Matejak Cvenić, K.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
7.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry (91245)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Chemistry 3
=> 7. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Chemistry of Natural Organic Compounds (51069)
Škalamera, Đ.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry (51067)
Begović, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystallochemistry (51065)
Đaković, M.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Crystal Structure Determination by Diffraction Methods (51066)
Đilović, I.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Instrumental Analysis 1 (51063)
Rončević, S.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Molecular Spectroscopy (51068)
Hrenar, T.
- | 45
| 7, 8 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 3
=> 8. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Atomic and Molecular Physics (51061)
Đerek, V.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Fundamentals of Electronics (51062)
Tafra, E.
- | 60
| 8 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics of Disordered Systems (51060)
Pajić, D.
- | 45
| 8 | INFO |
9. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
9.0 |
Laboratory of Teaching Methods in Chemistry (63145)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 120
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Physics Education 1 (63142)
Planinić, M.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
6.0 |
Teaching Methods in Chemistry (63140)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 9 | INFO |
2.0 |
Teaching Practice in Physics 1 (97110)
Jeličić, K.
- | 30
| 9 | INFO |
ECTS | Elective courses - Physics 4
=> 9. semestar - Sveučilišni nastavnički studij fizike i kemije |
English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
4.0 |
Laboratory in Fundamentals in Electronics (63157)
Tafra, E.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity (63154)
Tafra, E.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Nanomaterial Physics (63158)
Pajić, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Physics of Surfaces and Nanostructures (141478)
Bilalbegović, G.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
4.0 |
Selected Topics in Nuclear and Particle Physics (63153)
Bosnar, D.
- | 45
| 9 | INFO |
10. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | English level | Semester workload | Sem | INFO |
6.0 |
Physics Education 2 (63146)
Planinić, M.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
4.0 |
Teaching Practice in Chemistry (63149)
Mrvoš-Sermek, D.; Judaš, N.
- | 60
| 10 | INFO |
2.0 |
Teaching Practice in Physics 2 (97111)
Jeličić, K.
- | 30
| 10 | INFO |
21.0 | Thesis research (141284) | - | 75
| 10 | INFO |
(*)Course is currently not active
(***)Course is active in other academic year