Topic of the doctoral dissertation can be defended after mandatory courses are passed, and must be defended by the end of the second year of the study programme. Procedure is as follows
- Student submits (to Office of doctoral studies) two originally signed hard copies of English version of form Dr.Sc.-01, and two originally signed hard copies of Croatian version of the same form Dr.Sc.-01. Both English and Croatian forms should be additionaly sent to Office via email.
- Council of doctoral studies recommends the mentor and defence committee to the Council of either Physics or Geophysics department, which appoints the committee.
- Student, within one month after committee is appointed, publicly defends the topic of dissertation. Time, place and title of the dissertation should be emailed to the Office, which takes care of announcing the defence at least eight days in advance.
- After defence, all members of the committee sign the Certificate of the public defence of the dissertation topic, which is then brought to the Office by the president of the committee.
- Within three months from the appointment, committee submits to the Department council (via the Office), the evaluation of the defended topic, on a form Dr.Sc.-02. (two originally signed English versions and two originally signed Croatian versions)
- After acceptance of the positive evaluation by the department council, both Dr.Sc.-01 and Dr.Sc.-02 forms are sent to the Senate of the University of Zagreb which grants the final approval of the topic of dissertation. (This step can take several months!)
Note: Title of the actual dissertation has to be completely identical to the title of the topic of dissertation as approved by the University Senate. If for some reason title of the final dissertation must be changed, repeat of the step 6 above is necessary!