Introduction to the physics of generation and propagation of body and surface elastic waves, and study of their basic properties in simple Earth models.
1. Basic theory of elasticity (repetitorium),
2-3. Navier and wave equations and their
solutions: Helmholtz theorem, elastic potentials,
4. Fourier principle of superposition. Snell's law, ray parameter. P, SV, SH waves.
5-6. Reflection on the free surface: conversion of phases, coefficients of reflection and conversion.
7. Inhomogeneous waves.
8-9. Rayleigh waves in half space, eigenfunctions.
10-12. Love waves in a layer over half-space, period equation, dispersion, modes.
12-13. Phase and group velocity.
After completing the course students can:
- Define elastic wave types and their properties.
- Apply the Helmholtz theorem in solving the Navier equation.
- Distinguish between three types of motion (P, SV, SH), and define them.
- Distinguish between homogeneous and inhomogeneous waves, and define them.
- Define boundary conditions end derive reflection and conversion coefficients for P- and SV-waves at the free surface.
- Define boundary conditions end derive reflection and refraction coefficients for SH-waves at the boundary between two media.
- Define boundary conditions and derive period equations for surface waves in the simplest Earth models; discuss the period equation for Love waves and argue for the existence of modes and dispersion.
- Analyse and compute eigenfunctions for Rayleigh waves in the homogeneous half-space.
- Describe the oscillation of particles on the free surface during the passage of Rayleigh waves.
- Define the phase and group velocity, and compute one from the other.
Studying textbook and other literature (including lecture notes), attending lectures, ending lectures, derivation of the equations and study of examples.
Lectures, discussion, derivations of the equations, solving problems
Positively graded first homework and submitted second homework. Attendance at least 70% of classes (lectures and exercises).
Homework, one midterm exam, written and oral exam. The final grade for the course is the arithmetic mean of the grades from the midterm exam or written exam and the oral exam.
During the semester, student receives two homework assignments that are not graded, but must be successfully completed. The teacher decides on the success after reviewing the assignment and it must not contain a large number of incorrect statements (incorrect calculations).
The midterm exam consists of numerical and problem tasks, and questions that require an essay-type answer and require the definition, description or explanation of terms from the course material. If a student receives a grade on the preliminary exam:
? excellent (5), the grade will be recognized as the final grade for the course and the student does not have to take the written or oral exam,
? satisfactory (2), good (3) or very good (4), the grades from the preliminary exam will be recognized as grades from the written exam and the student must take only the oral part of the exam, and the final grade for the course will be the arithmetic mean of the grades from the preliminary exam and the oral exam,
? unsatisfactory (1) or those who are not satisfied with the grade achieved on the preliminary exam, can take the written exam and then the final grade will be the arithmetic mean of the grades from the written and oral exam.
If a student is unjustifiably absent from the midterm exam, he/she receives an unsatisfactory (1) grade from the midterm exam and must take the written exam. The total grade for the written exam will be the arithmetic mean of the grades from the midterm exam and the grades from the written part of the exam. The final grade for the course will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the grades from the written and oral exam.
Grading criteria for the preliminary exam and written exam (B = percentage of completion):
B < 50% insufficient (1)
50 ? B < 60% sufficient (2)
60 ? B < 75% good (3)
75 ? B < 90% very good (4)
B ? 90% excellent (5)
The oral exam consists of questions in which you need to define/describe/explain technical terms and derive equations from the course material.
Lay, T., T. C. Wallace: Modern Global Seismology, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995.
Shearer, P.M.: Introduction to Seismology, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2019.
Stein, S. and M. Wysession: An introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes and Earth structure, Blackwell Publ., 2003.