Tasks of quality promotion and assurance are performed at the level of management and decision-making, consultation and supervision, as well as at the management and leadership level. The quality assurance system at the Faculty requires the cooperation of committees at all levels. The bodies responsible for quality assurance at the level of management and decision-making are the Dean, the Faculty Board and the Faculty Council, at the level of the Faculty's advisory bodies and committees, and at the executive and managerial level the heads of departments, departmental councils and heads of administrative and specialist services. The Faculty of Science Quality Management Committee is responsible for implementing quality assurance and improvement procedures in all areas of the Faculty. The structure of the quality assurance system is given by the regulation on quality assurance of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Zagreb, on the basis of Article 43, paragraph 1 of the Statute of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, has adopted the document Quality Policy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Zagreb, which is part of the strategic management of the University. including a strategic program of scientific research.
International standards and guidelines for quality assurance
General acts - Faculty of Science (PMF) of the University of Zagreb