
New Vilim Feller post stamp

Croatian post on April 19, 2021 put out new series of "Famous Croats" post stamps with four famous Croats: Ljiljana Molnar Talajić, Vilim Feller, Tonko Maroević i Antun Mihanović.

Vilim Feller was renowned Croatian-American mathematician born June 7, 1906 in Zagreb in famus Feller family of pharmacists. First two years of mathematics study he completed at University of Zagreb and he countinued his study at University of Göttingen where he earned his doctorate in 1926. under the mentorship of famous mathematician Richard Courant. When Nazi party started spreading through Europe he emigrated in USA in 1939. At first he was working at Brown and Cornell Universities and from 1950. he worked at Princeton University.

He is one of founders and first chief editors of the Mathematical Reviews journal in 1939. Feller is considered as one of the founders of Theory of probability as scientific discipline. He is known for his monography "An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications" that has been translated in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Polish and Hungarian language.

University of Science, Department of Mathematics supported this initiative to create post stamp in memory of Vilim Feller and we are happy to see it accomplished.  

Author: Božidar Tartaro
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