Number of visits:


Depatment of Geophysics

T + 385 (0)1 460 5900

E ured-geofizike[at]

A Horvatovac 95, HR-10000 Zagreb


Head of the Department

Prof. Danijel Belušić, e-address


Acting Deputy Head of the Department

Prof. Zoran Pasarić


Assistant to Head of the Department

for students and teaching: Assoc. prof. Maja Telišman Prtenjak

for science and research: Assoc. prof. Željko Večenaj

for finance: Prof. Zvjezdana Bencetić Klaić

for publicity and public relations: Asst. prof. Iva Dasović


Head of the Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute

Prof. Danijel Belušić


Head of the Seismological Survey

mr. sc. Ines Ivančić


Head of the Central Geophysical Library

Iva Vrkić, prof.


Administration office

Ružica Topić, mag. oec.

Danijela Perišić, bacc. oec.


ECTS Coordinator

Assoc. prof. Maja Telišman Prtenjak


Student office for the Physicis and Geophysics Departments

T + 385 (0)1 460 5518

E referada[at]


A Bijenička cesta 32, HR-10000 Zagreb