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Teaching Methods in Technology

Code: 63177
ECTS: 10.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Željko Skoko
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Željko Skoko - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 60
Seminar 60
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
COURSE GOALS: Development of teaching skills in prospective technology teachers.


Upon completing the degree, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.3. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in techniques
1.4. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in information and communication technology
1.6. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of new insights into contemporary physics, informatics and technology teaching methods and strategies
1.8. integrate physics, informatics and technology content knowledge with knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, didactics and teaching methods courses
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
2.2. identify and describe important aspects of techniques and their applications
2.6. use information and communication technology efficiently (to foster active enquiry, collaboration and interaction in the classroom)
2.7. prepare and perform classroom practicals (practical work)
2.8. create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning and promotes continuing development of pupils' skills and knowledge
2.9. plan and design appropriate teaching lessons and learning activities based on curriculum goals and principles of interactive enquiry-based teaching
2.10. plan and design efficient and appropriate assessment strategies and methods to evaluate and ensure the continuous development of pupils
3. Making judgments
3.2. develop clear and measurable learning outcomes and objectives in teaching based on curriculum goals
3.3. reflect on and evaluate their own practice of teaching
3.4. accept responsibilities in planning and managing teaching duties
3.5. demonstrate professional integrity and ethical behaviour in work with pupils and colleagues
4. Communication skills
4.1. communicate effectively with pupils and colleagues
4.2. present complex ideas clearly and concisely
4.3. present their own research results at education or scientific meetings
4.4. use the written and oral English language communication skills that are essential for pursuing a career in physics and education
5. Learning skills
5.1. search for and use professional literature as well as any other sources of relevant information
5.2. remain informed of new developments and methods in physics, informatics, technology and education
5.3. develop a personal sense of responsibility for their professional advancement and development


Upon completing the degree, students will be able to:

1. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in techniques;
2. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in information and communication technology;
3. develop clear and measurable learning outcomes and objectives in teaching based on curriculum goals;
4. plan and design appropriate teaching lessons, learning activities, strategies and methods;
5. present complex ideas clearly and concisely.

1. Theoretical basis (5 hours)
- the aim of technology teaching and lifelong learning
- technology curriculum
- learning outcomes (HKO and EQF)
- planning and designing learning activities, strategies and methods
2. Technology curriculum for elementary schools - content, organization and methodology of teaching technology (15 hours)
3. New methods in technology teaching (15 hours)
4. Development of technology - historical overview (5 hours)
5. Knowledge and skills in ICT (the basic elements) and methodology of teaching informatics (20 hours)
- usage of a personal computer
- basics of computer technology
- solving problems
- role of programming
6. The topics listed above are also discussed in seminar, where students give their talks (60 hours)

Regular attendance, giving at least 4 seminar talks, active participation in discussions, final exam

The final grade is formed on the basis: seminar talks (60%), active participation in discussions (10%), the final exam (30%).
  1. Udžbenici za tehničku kulturu i informatiku u osnovnoj školi
  2. Dječja enciklopedija, Internet
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Didactics
Passed : Educational Psychology
Passed : General Pedagogy
9. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Physics and Technology Education
Consultations schedule: