Title: | Full Professor |
Location: | A305 |
Public phone number: | 5888 |
E-mail: | |
Personal web page: | https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~mkazal/ |
Department: | Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva |
Rational D(q)-quadruples
Diophantine triples and K3 surfaces
Rational Diophantine sextuples containing two regular quadruples and one regular quintuple
Diophantine m-tuples in finite fields and modular forms
Elliptic curves with torsion groups Z/8Z and Z/2Z × Z/6Z
D(n)-quintuples with square elements
Congruences for sporadic sequences and modular forms for non-congruence subgroups
Congruences for sporadic sequences and modular forms for non-congruence subgroups
Rational Diophantine sextuples with square denominators
Prosti brojevi blizanci
Congruences for sporadic sequences and modular forms for non-congruence subgroups
On a special case of Watkins' conjecture
Rational diophantine m-tuples
Diophantine m-tuples
Zagier's sporadic sequences and Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer congruences
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
Supersingular zeros of divisor polynomials of elliptic curves of prime conductor
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
More on Diophantine sextuples
Supersingular zeros of divisor polynomials of elliptic curves of prime conductor
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
Diophantine quadruples in finite fields and modular forms
Rational Diophantine sextuples
On rational Diophantine sextuples
Modular forms, de Rham cohomology and congruences
Modular parametrizations of certain elliptic curves
Modular forms, hypergeometric functions and congruences
Congruent numbers and congruences between half-integral weight modular forms
Modular forms, de Rham cohomology and congruences
2-adic and 3-adic part of class numbers and properties of central values of L-functions
The arithmetic of modular forms associated to Fermat curves
2-adic properties of modular functions associated to Fermat curves
2-adic properties of modular functions associated to Fermat curves
Zeros of certain Drinfeld modular functions
Linear relations for coefficients of Drinfeld modular forms