About employee

prof. dr. sc. Luka Grubišić

Title: Full Professor
Public phone number:+385-1-4605748
Internal phone number:5748
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Zavod za numeričku matematiku i znanstveno računanje
Graduation year:1998
mr.sc. graduation year:2001
PhD graduation year:2005
Employed in this institution since:1998




integrated undergraduate and graduate

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Stochastic Collocation Method for Computing Eigenspaces of Parameter-Dependent Operators

Grubišić, Luka; Saarikangas, Mikael; Hakula, Harri

Neural Network Models for Eigenvalue Problems

Hajba, Marko; Grubišić, Luka

Detecting Near Resonances in Acoustic Scattering

Grubišić, Luka; Hiptmair, Ralf; Renner, Diego
Journal of scientific computing

Numerical solution of distributed-order time-fractional diffusion-wave equations using Laplace transforms

Giani, Stefano; Engström, Christian; Grubišić, Luka
Journal of computational and applied mathematics

Optimal control of parabolic equations - a spectral calculus based approach

Grubišić, Luka ; Lazar, Martin ; Nakić, Ivica ; Tauttenhahn, Martin
Siam journal on control and optimization

Tensorial Neural Networks for Eigenvalue Problems

Hajba, Marko; Grubišić, Luka

khp-adaptive spectral projection based discontinuous Galerkin method for the numerical solution of wave equations with memory

Giani, Stefano; Engström, Christian; Grubišić, Luka
Journal of computational and applied mathematics

Stochastic collocation method for computing eigenspaces of parameter-dependent operators

Grubišić, Luka; Saarikangas, Mikael; Hakula, Harri
Numerische Mathematik

Geometric optimization of vascular stents modeled as networks of 1D rods

Čanić-Mirković, Sunčica; Ljulj, Matko; Maretić, Marcel; Grubišić, Luka; Tambača, Josip
Journal of computational physics

An open-source processing pipeline for quad-dominant mesh generation for class-compliant ship structural analysis

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Palaversa, Marin ; Prebeg, Pero ; Tambača, Josip
Journal of marine science and engineering

Hyperbolic problems for metric graphs - tools for analyzing vibrations of frame like structures

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip ; Ljulj, Matko ; Mehrmann, Volker

Adapted Contour Integration for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems in Waveguide Coupled Resonators

Jorkowski, Philipp ; Schmidt, Kersten ; Schenker, Carla ; Grubišić, Luka ; Schuhmann, Rolf
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation

Higher Order Composite DG approximations of Gross– Pitaevskii ground state: Benchmark results and experiments

Engstrom, Christian ; Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka
Journal of computational and applied mathematics

A spectral projection based method for the numerical solution of wave equations with memory

Engstrom, Christian ; Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka
Applied mathematics letters

A subspace-accelerated method for solving nonlinear thermoacoustic eigenvalue problems

Mensah, Georg A. ; Orchini, Alessandro ; Buschmann, Philip ; Grubišić, Luka
Journal of sound and vibration

Optimal design of vascular stents using a network of 1D slender curved rods

Čanić, Sunčica ; Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering

Preconditioning the Quad Dominant Mesh Generator for Ship Structural Analysis

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Tambača, Josip

Deep Neural Network Model for Approximating Eigenmodes Localized by a Confining Potential

Grubišić, Luka ; Hajba, Marko ; Lacmanović, Domagoj
Entropy (Basel. Online)

Optimal control of parabolic equations - a spectral calculus based approach.

Grubišić, Luka ; Lazar, Martin ; Nakić, Ivica ; Tauttenhahn, Martin

Modeling and discretization methods for the numerical simulation of elastic frame structures

Grubišić, Luka ; Ljulj, Matko ; Mehrmann, Volker ; Tambača, Josip
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis

Automatic mesh generation for structural analysis in naval architecture

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Prebeg, Pero ; Tambača, Josip

Diagonalization of indefinite saddle point forms

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin ; Schmitz, Stephan ; Veselić, Krešimir

Spectral discretization errors in filtered subspace iteration

Gopalakrishnan, Jay ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey
Mathematics of computation

Direct solution method for the equilibrium problem for elastic stents

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip
Numerical linear algebra with applications

The Tan 2Θ Theorem in fluid dynamics

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin ; Schmitz, Stephan ; Veselić, Krešimir
Journal of Spectral Theory

Analysis of FEAST Spectral Approximations Using the DPG Discretization

Gopalakrishnan, Jay ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey ; Parker, Benjamin
Computational methods in applied mathematics

An a posteriori estimator of eigenvalue/eigenvector error for penalty-type discontinuous Galerkin methods

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Hakula, Harri ; Ovall, Jeffrey S.
Applied mathematics and computation

Machine learning techniques for modeling ships performance in waves

Grubišić, Luka ; Mandić, Dino ; Mudronja, Luka ; Grubišić, Izvor

Mixed formulation of the one-dimensional equilibrium model for elastic stents

Grubišić, Luka ; Iveković, Josip ; Tambača, Josip ; Žugec, Bojan
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti

Quasi-semidefinite eigenvalue problem and applications

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip
Nanosistemy: fizika, himiâ, matematika

Efficient and reliable hp-FEM estimates for quadratic eigenvalue problems and photonic crystal application

Engström, Christian ; Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka
Computers & mathematics with applications

Robust error estimates for approximations of non- self-adjoint eigenvalue problems

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Międlar, Agnieszka ; Ovall, Jeffrey
Numerische Mathematik

Double angle theorems for definite matrix pairs

Grubišić, Luka ; Miodragović, Suzana ; Truhar, Ninoslav
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis

Benchmark results for testing adaptive finite element eigenvalue procedures part 2 (conforming eigenvector and eigenvalue estimates)

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey
Applied numerical mathematics

Discrete perturbation estimates for eigenpairs of Fredholm operator-valued functions

Grubišić, Luka ; Grbić, Antonia
Applied mathematics and computation

A Subspace Iteration Algorithm for Fredholm Valued Functions

Engstrom, Christian ; Grubišić, Luka
Mathematical problems in engineering

The rotation of eigenspaces of perturbed matrix pairs II

Grubišić, Luka ; Truhar, Ninoslav ; Miodragović, Suzana
Linear and multilinear algebra

On the eigenvalue decay of solutions to operator Lyapunov equations

Grubišić, Luka ; Kressner, Daniel
Systems & control letters

Representation Theorems for Indefinite Quadratic Forms Revisited

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin A. ; Veselić, Krešimir

Error control for hp-adaptive approximations of semi-definite eigenvalue problems

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey S.
Computing (Wien)

The tan (2THETA) Theorem for Indefinite Quadratic Forms

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin A. ; Veselić, Krešimir
Journal of Spectral Theory

A framework for robust eigenvalue and eigenvector error estimation and Ritz value convergence enhancement

Bank, Randolph E. ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey
Applied numerical mathematics

Kato's square root theorem as a basis for relative estimation theory of eigenvalue approximations

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Miedlar, Agnieszka ; Ovall, Jeffrey.

Cluster robust estimates for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of convection-di usion-reaction operators

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Miedlar, Agnieszka ; Ovall, Jeffrey

Error representation formula for eigenvalue approximations for positive definite operators

Grubišić, Luka ; Nakić, Ivica
Operators and Matrices

Benchmark results for testing adaptive finite element eigenvalue procedures

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey S.
Applied numerical mathematics

Error control for hp-adaptive approximations of semi-definite eigenvalue problems

Giani, Stefano ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey

The Rotation of Eigenspaces of Perturbed Matrix Pairs

Grubišić, Luka ; Truhar, Ninoslav ; Veselić Krešimir
Linear algebra and its applications

Pseudospectral Picture of the Seismic Algorithm for Surface Multiple Attenuation

Drmač, Zlatko ; Grubišić, Luka ; Jeričević, Željko

A robust hierarchical eigenvalue/eigenvector enhancement

Bank, Randolph E. ; Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey

Relative convergence estimates for the spectral asymptotic in the Large Coupling Limit

Grubišić, Luka
Integral equations and operator theory

On Estimators for Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Approximations

Grubišić, Luka ; Ovall, Jeffrey
Mathematics of computation

On quasi-definite quadratic forms in a Hilbert space and applications

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin A. ; Veselić, Krešimir

Numerical linear algebra for spectral theory of block operator matrices

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, Konstantin A. ; Veselić, Krešimir

On relative perturbation theory for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of block operator matrices

Grubišić, Luka
PAMM : Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics

On weakly formulated Sylvester equations and applications

Grubišić, Luka ; Veselić, Krešimir
Integral equations and operator theory

On relative perturbation theory for block operator matrices

Grubišić, Luka ; Veselić, Krešimir ; Tambača, Josip

On quasi-definite quadratic forms in a Hilbert space

Grubišić, Luka ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Makarov, K ; Veselić, Krešimir

On Ritz Approximations for Positive Definite Operators I (Theory)

Grubišić, Luka ; Veselić, Krešimir
Linear algebra and its applications

Relative eigenvalue/eigenvector estimates for multi-scale problems in science and engineering

Grubišić, Luka ; Drmač, Zlatko ; Kostrykin, Vadim ; Veselić, Krešimir

A posteriori estimates for eigenvalue/vector approximations

Grubišić, Luka
PAMM : Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics

On eigenvalue and eigenvector estimates for nonnegative definite operators

Grubišić, Luka
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications

Approximating Invariant Subspaces of Elliptic Operators

Grubišić, Luka ; Veselić, Krešimir

On Simulations of Random Fields on Bounded Domains

Grubišić, Luka ; Limić, Nedžad ; Valković, Vladivoj
More information about publications

List of select projects

  • Randomized low rank algorithms and applications to parameter dependent problems, Hrvatska Zaklada za Znanost (Zagreb), 2020-01 to 2024-01, GRANT_NUMBER: IP-2019-04-6268
  • Development of efficient methodology for finite element method based structural analysis of marine structures – REMAKE, EU from the Regional Development Funds KK., June 2018. – December 2021, more information.