About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Goran Radunović

Title: Associate Professor
Location: 314/III
Public phone number:5730
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~goranr/
Department: Zavod za topologiju
Graduation year:2008
PhD graduation year:2015
Employed in this institution since:2018




integrated undergraduate and graduate

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Reading analytic invariants of parabolic diffeomorphisms from their orbits

Klimeš, Martin; Mardešić, Pavao; Radunović, Goran; Resman, Maja
Annali della scuola normale superiore di pisa-classe di scienze

Slow divergence integral in regularized piecewise smooth systems

Huzak, Renato; Kristiansen, Kristian Uldall; Radunović, Goran
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations

Quasiperiodic sets at infinity and meromorphic extensions of their fractal zeta functions

Radunović, Goran
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

Minkowski Dimension and Slow-Fast Polynomial Liénard Equations Near Infinity

De Maesschalck, Peter; Huzak, Renato; Janssens, Ansfried; Radunović, Goran
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems

Fractal codimension of nilpotent contact points in two-dimensional slow-fast systems

De Maesschalck, Peter ; Huzak, Renato ; Janssens, Ansfried ; Radunović, Goran
Journal of differential equations

Fractal zeta functions of orbits of parabolic diffeomorphisms

Mardešić, Pavao ; Radunović, Goran ; Resman, Maja
Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Minkowski measurability criteria for compact sets and relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces

Lapidus L., Michel ; Radunović Goran ; Žubrinić Darko

Essential singularities of fractal zeta functions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Pure and applied functional analysis

An overview of the theory of complex dimensions and fractal zeta functions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Complex dimensions generated by essential singularities

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal tube formulas and a Minkowski measurability criterion for compact subsets of Euclidean spaces

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S

Towards bifurcations of complex dimensions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Journal of fractal geometry

Zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums: theory, examples and applications

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Dissertationes mathematicae

Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums: Higher- Dimensional Theory of Complex Dimensions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Advances in mathematics

A Minkowski measurability criterion for relative fractal drums via complex dimensions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Gauge Minkowski content and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractality and Lapidus zeta functions at infinity

Radunović, Goran
Mathematical communications

Relative fractal drums, complex dimensions and geometric oscillations

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums [PDF]

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets and their residues

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions: A general higher-dimensional theory

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Tube formulas for relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal zeta functions and complex dimensions of relative fractal drums

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications

Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation at infinity

Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko ; Županović, Vesna
International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering

Lapidus zeta functions of arbitrary fractals and compact sets in Euclidean spaces

Lapidus, L. Michel ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Relative zeta functions of fractal sets in Euclidean spaces

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko

Relative Zeta Functions of Lapidus Type

Lapidus, Michel L. ; Radunović, Goran ; Žubrinić, Darko
More information about publications

List of select publications

• De Maesschalck, Peter; Huzak, Renato; Janssens, Ansfried; Radunović, Goran

Fractal codimension of nilpotent contact points in two-dimensional slow-fast systems // Journal of differential equations, 355 (2023)


Mardešić, Pavao; Radunović, Goran; Resman, Maja

Fractal zeta functions of orbits of parabolic diffeomorphisms // Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 12 (2022), 5; 114, 70


Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko

Essential singularities of fractal zeta functions // Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 5 (2020), 5; 1073-1094


Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality // Journal of fractal geometry, 5 (2018), 1; 1-119


Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko

Distance and tube zeta functions of fractals and arbitrary compact sets // Advances in mathematics, 307 (2017), 1215-1267


Lapidus, Michel L.; Radunović, Goran; Žubrinić, Darko

Fractal Zeta Functions and Fractal Drums: Higher- Dimensional Theory of Complex Dimensions. New York, USA: Springer, 2017 (research monograph)