Title: | Full Professor |
Location: | 301 |
Public phone number: | 01 460 5780 |
E-mail: | |
Personal web page: | https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~duje/ |
Department: | Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva |
Graduation year: | 1990 |
mr.sc. graduation year: | 1993 |
PhD graduation year: | 1996 |
Employed in this institution since: | 1996 |
Extensions of a Diophantine triple by adjoining smaller elements II
Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves
An elliptic curve over Q(u) with torsion Z/4Z and rank 6
On power values of pyramidal numbers, II,
High-rank elliptic curves with given torsion group and some applications
On elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine quadruples
Formulas for Diophantine quintuples containing two pairs of conjugates in some quadratic fields
Stjepan Bohniček (15. prosinca 1872. - 14. ožujka 1956.)
Extensions of a Diophantine triple by adjoining smaller elements
Absolute root separation
D(n)-quintuples with square elements
Diophantine m-tuples in finite fields and modular forms
Diophantine triples with largest two elements in common
Rational Diophantine sextuples containing two regular quadruples and one regular quintuple
Construction of high rank elliptic curves
Elliptic curves with torsion groups Z/8Z and Z/2Z × Z/6Z
Number Theory
Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras
Triples, quadruples and quintuples which are D(n)- sets for several n's
High rank elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine triples
D(n)-sets with square elements
Doubly regular Diophantine quadruples
Rank zero elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine triples
Strong rational Diophantine D(q)-triples
Diophantine quadruples with the properties D(n1) and D(n2)
Rational Diophantine sextuples with square denominators
Elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples
Products of factorials which are powers,
A Pellian equation with primes and applications to D(-1)-quadruples
Teorija brojeva
Triples and quadruples which are D(n)-sets for several n's
On fundamental units of real quadratic fields of class number 1
On the largest element in D(n)-quadruples
Triples which are D(n)-sets for several n's
On Diophantine m-tuples and D(n)-sets
Strong Eulerian triples
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
On the torsion group of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples over quadratic fields
Polynomial root separation
Triples which are D(n)-sets for several n's
Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants
Applications of continued fractions in factorization and primality testing
Absolute real root separation
Generating Elliptic Curves Using the Complex Multiplication Method
Root separation for reducible monic polynomials of odd degree
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
Absolute real root separation
More on Diophantine sextuples
Transcendental numbers
Stream Cipher RC4
Finiteness results for F-Diophantine sets
On rational Diophantine sextuples
Elliptic curves with torsion group Z/6Z
What is ... a Diophantine m-tuple?
Teorija brojeva i šifriranje
Teorija brojeva i kriptografija
Differential cryptanalysis
Rational Diophantine sextuples
Diophantine quadruples in finite fields and modular forms
Quadratic Residues and Square Roots in Public Key Cryptography
There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples
II. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti
Transposition Ciphers ADFGX and ADFGVX
Block Cipher Modes of Operation
NTRU Cryptosystem
Number theory and cryptography
High-rank elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples
The non-extensibility of D (-2k+ 1)-triples {;;1, k^ 2, k^ 2+ 2k-1};;
Elliptic curves with torsion group Z/8Z or Z/2Z × Z/6Z
The rank and generators of Kihara's elliptic curve with torsion Z/4Z over Q(t)
Root separation for reducible integer polynomials
Root separation for integer polynomials
Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples
Root separation for integer polynomials
Elliptic curves coming from Heron tringles
High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion group over quadratic fields
On the high rank π/3 and 2π/3 - congruent number elliptic curves
Ranks of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over number fields
High rank elliptic curves with torsion Z/2Z × Z/4Z induced by Diophantine triples
Diophantine m-tuples with elements in arithmetic progressions
Products of three factorials
Diophantine Problems With Sums of Divisors
Some Diophantine properties of the sequence of S-units
On quadratic twists of elliptic curves y^2=x(x-1)(x-lambda)
Root separation for integer polynomials
Mordell-Weil Groups and Isogenies of the Families of Elliptic Curves
On the torsion group of elliptic curves induced by D(4)-triples
Sumsets being squares
Arithmetic progressions and Pellian equations
Indefinite binary quadratic forms
Stream ciphers
Diffie-Hellman Problem and Discrete Logarithm Problem
Geometric approach to continued fractions
Elliptic curves and triangles with three rational medians
Applications of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography
On the existence of rational Diophantine quintuples with the property D(q)
On a variation of a congruence of Subbarao
Elliptic curves with large torsion and positive rank over number fields of small degree and ECM factorization
On Hall's conjecture and related polynomial Pell's equation
Root separation for reducible monic quartics
On the size of sets in a polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus
On Hall's conjecture
Polynomial root separation and applications
Some Diophantine Problems over the Imaginary Quadratic Fields
Finite field and polynomial congruences
Internet Security
LLL Algorithm and Some Applications to Cryptography
On the rank of elliptic curves coming from rational Diophantine triples
On the sum of two divisors of (n^2 + 1)/2
On a conjecture regarding balancing with powers of Fibonacci numbers
On power values of pyramidal numbers
On a problem of Diophantus for rationals
Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves over number fields of small degree
Some Diophantine triples and quadruples for quadratic polynomials
On Hall's conjecture
Root separation for reducible monic quartics
Ranks of families of elliptic curves and applications to Diophantine problems
Elliptic curves with large torsion and positive rank over number fields of small degree and ECM factorization
Elliptic curves of large rank over quadratic fields
Continued fraction convergents and Newton's approximants for quadratic irrationalities
Solving a family of quartic Thue inequalities using continued fractions
Root separation for irreducible integer polynomials
On the size of sets whose elements have perfect power n-shifted products
On the rank of elliptic curves over Q(i) with torsion group Z/4Z × Z/4Z
Smart Card Security in Banking
Elliptic curves
Diophantine quadruples in Z[√ -2]
On the size of sets in a polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus
Diophantine m-tuples
Sieve Methods
Polynomial Variants of a Problem of Diophantus
High rank elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples and congruent numbers
Cryptography in the Second World War
Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields
Quadratic Fields and Quadratic Forms
Compact Representation of Quadratic Integers and Integer Points on Elliptic Curves
Security of Micropayment Systems
Smart Cards
Elliptic equations
Rational Diophantine sextuples with mixed signs
Heights in Diophantine Geometry and Consequences of the abc-conjecture
Periodski verižni razlomci
Technologies for E-Commerce
A variant of Wiener's attack on RSA
A search for high rank congruent number elliptic curves
Generating Random Numbers
Distribution of Prime Numbers
Fermat Numbers
Perfect Numbers
Strong Diophantine triples
Digital Cash and Digital Checks
Applications of Continued Fractions in Diophantine Approximations and Cryptanalysis
On the number of Diophantine m-tuples
A variant of Wiener's attack on RSA
Strong Diophantine triples
A problem of Diophantus, Fermat and Euler and its generalizations
A variant of Wiener's attack on RSA with small secret exponent
Conjectures and results on the size and number of Diophantine tuples
Mestreova polinomijalna metoda za konstrukciju eliptičkih krivulja velikog ranga
Solving Congruences
Public Key Infrastructure
Convex Sets
Cryptosystems with Public Key
Factorization and ideals
Cryptography in School
Public Key Cryptography
RSA Cryptosystem
Polygraphic Substitution Ciphers
Kriptografija u školi
A polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus for pure powers
On arithmetic progressions on Pellian equations
Strong Diophantine triples
On Worley's theorem in Diophantine approximations
Digital Signature Authentication
Pell Equation and Pythagorean Triples
Security of Bank Systems
On Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples
Effective solution of the D(-1)-quadruple conjecture
Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples
Decomposition of a recursive family of polynomials
Construction of high rank elliptic curves and related Diophantine problems
On a problem of Diophantus with polynomials
Euclidean Algorithm
Distribution of Quadratic Residues
Complex continued fractions
Primitive Roots and Quadratic Residues
Principles of Design of Modern Block Cryptosystems
Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms
Security of Electronic Commerce
On differences of two squares in some quadratic fields
Diophantine m-tuples and generalizations
On the family of Diophantine triples {;k-1, k+1, 16k^3-4k};
Elliptic Curves and Elliptic Functions
Algorithms for Large-Integer Multiplications
PGP - Pretty Good Privacy
Algebraic Numbers
Metode računanja ranga eliptičkih krivulja nad Q(T)
Transposition Ciphers
Error-correcting Codes and McEliece Cryptosystem
Steganography: Hiding Information in Images
Markov Chain
Indecomposability of polynomials and related Diophantine equations
Digital Watermarking
Diofantske jednadžbe nad funkcijskim poljima
Diophantine m-tuples for linear polynomials. II. Equal degrees
High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion group
On the D(-1)-quadruple conjecture
Modern Block Ciphers
Systems of Pellian Equations and the Problem of Extension of Some Diophantine Triples
Diophantine m-tuples and connections with eliptic curves
Topological Convex Structures
Diophantine quadruples in quadratic fields
Roth's Theorem
Digital Signature and Digital Money
Arithmetic Functions
Internet Security and SSL Protocol
Fibonacci numbers and sets with the property D(4)
Complete solution of a problem of Diophantus and Euler
Square roots with many good approximants
Diophantine m-tuples for primes
On the indecomposabilty of polynomials
Discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves
Asymptotic estimates for the number of Diophantine m-tuples
Diophantine m-tuples
Vigenereova šifra
On a problem of Diophantus and Euler
Newton's approximants and continued fractions
A family of quartic Thue inequalities
Shannon's Theory
Continued fractions and RSA with small secret exponent
Bounds for the size of sets with the property D(n)
Complete solution of the polynomial version of a problem of Diophantus
There are only finitely many Diophantine quintuples
RC6 Cryptosystem
Primjena LLL-algoritma u rješavanju diofantskih jednadžbi
Matematičke osnove kriptografije javnog ključa
Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers
History of Cryptography
Mordell-Weil theorem
Continued Fractions and Their Applications
DES Cryptosystem
Fermat's Little Theorem and Its Consequences
Congruences of Integers and Polynomials
On Diophantine quintuple conjecture
Construction of elliptic curves over Q with large rank
Primality Testing
Zero-knowledge Proofs
Statistical Properties of Arithmetic Functions
Knapsack Problem and Applications in Cryptography
Continued fractions and RSA with small secret exponent
A polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus and Euler
On a problem of Diophantus for higher powers
Kneser's Theorem
Congruent numbers and elliptic curves
Modular functions and complex multiplication of elliptic curves
Mordell's theorem
Mersenne Numbers and Perfect Numbers
Diophantine m-tuples for linear polynomials
On the size of Diophantine m-tuples
An extension of an old problem of Diophantus and Euler. II
An interesting property of a recurrence related to the Fibonacci sequence
A parametric family of quartic Thue equations
An example of elliptic curve over Q with rank equal to 15
Construction of high-rank elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion group
Hash Functions in Cryptography
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
Diffie-Hellman Key Distribution Protocol
Discrete Logarithm Problem
Primality Tests
Polyalphabetic Ciphers
Pierre de Fermat (1601.-1665.)
Diophantine m-tuples and elliptic curves
Newton's formula and continued fraction expansion of sqrt(d)
An absolute bound for the size of Diophantine m-tuples
Twoparametric family of quartic Thue equations
Diophantine equations for second order recursive sequences of polynomials
Diophantine triples and construction of high-rank elliptic curves over Q with three non-trivial 2-torsion points
Irregular Diophantine m-tuples and elliptic curves of high rank
Fibonaccijevi brojevi
A parametric family of elliptic curves
A note on Diophantine quintuples
Integer points on a family of elliptic curves
A proof of the Hoggatt-Bergum conjecture
A bijective proof of Riordan's theorem on powers of Fibonacci numbers
An extension of an old problem of Diophantus and Euler
Some estimates of the number of Diophantine quadruples
A problem of Diophantus and Pell numbers
On the exceptional set in the problem of Diophantus and Davenport
A problem of Diophantus and Dickson's conjecture
Diophantine quadruples and quintuples modulo 4
Complete solution of a family of simultaneous Pellian equations
A generalization of a theorem of Baker and Davenport
On Diophantine quintuples
The problem of Diophantus and Davenport
Complete solutions of certain families of simultaneous Pellian equations
The problem of the extension of a parametric family of Diophantine triples
The problem of Diophantus and Davenport for Gaussian integers
Some polynomial formulas for Diophantine quadruples
Generalized Fibonacci numbers and the problem of Diophantus
Matematička natjecanja učenika srednjih škola (izbor zadataka)
Diophantine quadruples for squares of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
Generalization of a problem of Diophantus
A. Dujella: Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves, Springer, Cham, 2024.
A. Dujella: Number Theory, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2021.
A. Dujella, M. Kazalicki, M. Mikić and M. Szikszai, There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017 (2) (2017), 490-508.
A. Dujella, There are only finitely many Diophantine quintuples, J. Reine Angew. Math. 566 (2004), 183-214.
A. Dujella and A. Petho, A generalization of a theorem of Baker and Davenport, Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2), 49 (1998), 291-306.
Croatian Mathematical Society
American Mathematical Society
The Fibonacci Association
International Association for Cryptologic Research
Diophantine m-tuples, elliptic curves, Thue and index form equations (supported by the Croatian Science Foundation), 2014-2018
Diophantine Equations and Elliptic Curves (supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport), 2007-2013
1990-1993 Teaching Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1993-1997 Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1997-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2000-2004 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2004- Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia