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General and Inorganic Chemistry

Code: 40694
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Vinko Nemec
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Vinko Nemec - Lectures

doc. dr. sc. Vinko Nemec - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
COURSE GOALS: Acquiring mainly theoretical but also experimental knowledge of properties and structure of matter, nature of the chemical bond, laws of chemical processes; writing a balanced chemical equation by analyzing changes that accompany a certain chemical process; performing stoichiometric calculations.

Upon completing the degree, students will be able to:
2.1. recognize and follow the logic of arguments, evaluate the adequacy of arguments and construct well supported arguments
5.1. search for and use professional literature as well as any other sources of relevant information

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
* distinguish pure substances from mixtures;
* quantitatively express the composition of substances and mixtures;
* distinguish between a physical change and a chemical change;
* relate properties and reactivity of the element with its position in the periodic table of elements;
* qualitatively describe the models of ionic, covalent and metallic bonding;
* describe changes (qualitatively and quantitatively) occurring during a phase transition;
* qualitatively describe the concept of intermolecular forces;
* relate the structure of matter with its properties;
* qualitatively and quantitatively describe changes that accompany a certain chemical process by writing a balanced chemical equation.

1) Matter: pure substances and mixtures. Physical change, separation of the components of mixtures. Chemical change. Atomic nature of compounds (Laws of Chemical Combination, Dalton's atomic theory). Periodic table of the elements - historic overview. Structure of the atom - symbols of chemical elements, atomic number, mass number (nuclides, chemical element, isotopes, isobars). Expressing the mass of the atom (relative atomic mass). Formula of compound. Expressing the composition of mixtures and of pure substances.
2) Structure of the atom - Bohr model, brief overview of the quantum-mechanical model of the atom. Atomic energy levels and atomic orbitals. Building-up principle. Electron configuration. Atomic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity.
3) Chemical bond: ionic bond, covalent bond. Properties of ionic and covalent compounds. Lewis structures. Geometry and the shapes of molecules (VSEPR model). Metallic bond.
4) States of matter (solid, liquid, gaseous state) and phase transitions. Phase diagram.
5) Intermolecular forces (ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bond, polarizability and induced dipole, dispersion forces). Properties of a liquid phase.
6) Solid state: amorphous and crystalline solids. Types and properties of crystalline solids. Crystal systems. Cubic and hexagonal packing. Structures of selected solids.
7) Solutions. Solubility of different compound in different solvents. Solubility of ionic compounds in water-solubility curves.
8) Colligative properties of solutions (vapor pressure, boiling point, melting point and osmotic pressure).
9) Stoichiometry. Extent of reaction. Limiting reactant and excess reactant. Reversible reactions. Equilibrium constant. Precipitation reactions. Solubility product.
10) Acids and bases (Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis definition). Neutralization reaction.
11) Oxidation-reduction reactions.
12) Electrochemistry. Electrode potential. Galvanic cell (voltaic cell). Electrolysis. Faraday's laws of electrolysis.

1) Expressing the mass of the atom. Chemical formula (empirical formula, molecular formula). Expressing the mass of the formula unit. Mole-mass-number relationship. Expressing the composition of mixtures and of pure substances. (ratios, fractions, concentration, molality).
2) Lewis structures (oxidation number and formal charge). Geometry and the shapes of molecules (VSEPR model).
3) Crystal systems. Cubic and hexagonal packing. Structures of selected solids.
4) Solutions. Preparing the solution of known composition.
5) Colligative properties of solutions.
6) Stoichiometry. Extent of reaction. Limiting reactant and excess reactant. Equilibrium constant.
7) Acids and bases, pH of a solution. Neutralization reaction.
8) Approaches in balancing oxidation-reduction reactions.
9) Electrolysis. Faraday's laws of electrolysis.

Students are required to regularly attend lectures and seminars and actively participate in them. Furthermore, students are required to solve and submit homework assignments in order to receive a signature, and to attend two tests during the semester.

The final exam consists of written and oral exam, the final grade is the average value of grades obtained on each of them. A written exam can be replaced by two successfully solved tests during the semester.
  1. M. S. Silberberg, Chemistry: the molecular nature of matter and change, sva izdanja, McGraw-Hill, NewYork.
  2. M. Sikirica, Stehiometrija, sva izdanja, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  3. P. W. Atkins i M. J. Clugston, Načela fizikalne kemije, sva izdanja, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  4. T. Cvitaš, I. Planinić i N. Kallay, Rješavanje računskih zadataka u kemiji, I.i II. dio, HKD, Zagreb, 2008.
  5. I. Filipović, S. Lipanović, Opća i anorganska kemija, 9. izd., Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995.
    D. Grdenić, Molekule i kristali, 5. izd., Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005.
    N. Raos (ur.), Nove slike iz kemije - priručnik kemije u nastavi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004.
3. semester
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4. semester
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