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Code: 45170
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Daria Tot
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduction into didactics: term definition, founders, tasks;(1)
Historical development of didactical thought in the world and in Croatia (1)
Didactical theories;Didactics and other sciences;Basic terms in didactics: teaching, education, training, upbringing, educational process, socialisation, schooling, non-formal education, self-education, learning, experiential learning. (2)
Analysis of the previous (in)efficiency of education (esp. teaching and learning) and considerations on the vision and conditions of better education (conditions: psychological, pedagogical, programme-organisational, didactical-methodical, social). (1)
Theory of curriculum (historical approach;term definition;curricular plan;system theory and curriculum;theoretical concept of school as a starting point of curriculum design;curriculum based on preparation and application levels);Concepts of curriculum: humanistic, functional, closed, open ...(2)
Segments of curriculum:
- determination of educational needs -situational analysis;aims (outcomes) of curriculum -key competences of learners;(1)
- selection and sequence of teaching contents;(1)
- conditions required for conducting the activities based on curriculum and for organising teaching activities - (teaching methods and strategies -basic information) (1)
- assessment of learner achievements and curriculum;development of curriculum;sequence of designing school and teaching curriculum. (1)
Factors (learner, teacher, teaching contents, educational technology...) (2)
Communication in classes. (2)
Planning and programming;teaching tasks ( material, functional, educational);Didactical principles (2)
Micro-structural components (aspects) of teaching/learning: material-technical, psychological, conceptual, methodical (teaching methods). (3)
Macro components of teaching and learning: preparation and introduction;contents reception and considerations;revision;exercises;evaluation (monitoring, evaluating, grading) . (3)
Organisational forms of teaching (individual activities, peer activities;group activities;teacher-centred activities). (1)
Strategies (systems) of teaching and learning (problem solving, heuristic approach, programmed classes, project classes, cooperative classes, team classes, classes with mentors ...) (2)
Preparation of learners and teachers for teaching and learning -techniques, procedures; Media in education; (1)
Alternative approaches to teaching;Successful class management and cooperation with parents (2)
Evaluation of educational results;self-evaluation (1)


After completion of the course and passing the exam, students will be able to:
- Independently perceive educational needs of students and "translate" them into learning objectives and tasks;
- Independently choose and implement effective teaching strategies, methods and procedures while taking account of requirements of modern didactic principles;
- Plan, organize, implement and evaluate teaching and learning process and its outcomes;
- Develop teaching (subject) curriculum and participate in development of school curriculum;
- Know how to make optimal didactic decisions during the preparation of the teaching process, during the teaching process itself and after analyzing the process;
- Know how to independently prepare for organizing and implementing the teaching process with an emphasis on taking account of psychological, material- technical, methodical and cognitive aspects of teaching;
- At the micro level, single out and analyze factors which affect (positively or negatively) teaching environment and school culture;
- Spot the modalities and essence of the hidden curriculum, as well as its educational implications;
- Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in identifying indicators and developing instruments for evaluation and self-evaluation of the process and outcomes of learning and teaching.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: