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Field Course

Code: 40928
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Dražen Balen
prof. dr. sc. Marija Gligora Udovič
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Marijan Kovačić - Field exercises
dr. sc. Marin Mićunović - Field exercises
Jura Sabolek , univ. mag. geogr. - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 120
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Get to know and adopt: i) methods of sampling freshwater algae and invertebrates in flowing and stagnant habitats and terrestrial entomofauna ii) principles of determination of freshwater algae and invertebrates, iii) biological methods for estimating the state of water bodies, iv) methods to determine the abiotic characteristics of the water.
Gaining knowledge about the features and types of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and the approaches of explaining the processes of their origin. Students learn to observe, study and record the characteristics of the rocks. Understand the phenomena perceived as part of the geological structure and evolution of the wider area. The goal also includes instruction on basic field sampling methods, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, equipment and tools, and principles of the use of field classification and the provisions of the rocks on the ground.
Acquisition of basic knowledge and skills: methods, techniques and organization of field work in geomorphology, the use of topographic maps during movement on the ground, identifying various processes and forms of relief, geomorphological mapping and interpretation of the geomorphological evolution of the area.

Community features and sampling of plankton, periphyton and benthos of inland waters and the terrestrial insects.
Physico-chemical characteristics of stagnant and running waters and methods of measuring physical-chemical parameters.
Biodiversity and ecology of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates.
Biodiversity and ecology of freshwater algae.
Assessment of water quality based on the analysis of biological components.
Tour of suitable outcrops and quarries with different types of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Determination of basic textural and structural characteristics of the rocks. Macroscopic analysis of mineral composition and structure. Profiling and recording geological columns, sample-oriented rock samples, field journal keeping, performing synthesis and reconstruction based on field data. Measurments using geological compass.
Elements and the use of topographic maps, determination of the coordinates, using a compass and GPS, keeping a given route, orientation in the field, topographic profiles, gradients, identification of geomorphological forms and processes in the field, morphographical elements of the relief, the morphogenetic characteristics of the terrain (rocky, slope, fluvial and fluviodenudational), geomorphological mapping, inputing geomorphological data onto the topographic map.

Learning outcomes:
(i) Detailed knowledge of the courses taught during the first three semesters will be practically used in field work. They will acquire basic knowledge and skills to effectively conduct the methods and use tools of complex field-tasks and be able to demonstrate innovation in relation to the methods used.
(ii) Active participation in preparation and fieldwork, students will acquire basic knowledge for understanding and solving problems by interdisciplinarily linking knowledge.
(iii) Students also develop new skills in response to new knowledge and techniques.
(iv) Demonstrate critical thinking in problem solving, including using information from scientific sources. Acquire experience of teamwork in a complex research environment.
(v) Upon completion of the course, students will have developed analytical abilities and critical thinking. They will increase communication skills, ability to develop mutual respect and acceptance of diversity, to reflect their own value framework.
  1. John, D.M., Whitton, B.A., Brook, A.J., (2002): The freshwater algal flora of the British isles. Natural History Museum. Cambridge University.
    Cox, E.J. (1996): Identification of Freshwater Diatoms from Live Material, Chapman and Hall, London.
    Nilsson A. (1996): Aquatic Insects of North Europe 1. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 274 pp.
    Nilsson A. (1997): Aquatic Insects of North Europe 2. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 440 pp.
    Habdija, I; Primc-Habdija, B; Radanović, I; Vidaković, J; Kučinić, M; Špoljar, M; Matoničkin, R; Miliša, M. (2004): Protista-Protozoa i Metazoa-Invertebrata funkcionalna građa i praktikum. Meridijani, Samobor
    Balen, D. (2007): Oprema za terensku nastavu (https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geol/predmet/ternas)
    Freeman, T. (1999): Procedures in Field Geology. Blackwell Science, str. 95.
    Gams I. Zeremeski M., Marković M., Lisenko S., Bognar, A. (1985): Uputstvo za izradu detaljne geomorfološke karte 1: 100 000.
4. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Environmental Sciences
Consultations schedule: