Plants in the Phytotherapy


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Plants in the Phytotherapy

Code: 227683
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Gordana Rusak
Lecturers: Daria Gmižić , mag. oecol. - Practicum
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Šola - Practicum

izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Šola - Lectures
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1 Objectives of the course
Introduction to different groups of chemical compounds from plants, their
biological activity and possible application in phytotherapy and nutrition.
2.2 Conditions for course enrollment and entry competencies required for the course
There is none
2.3 Learning outcomes at the program level to which the course contributes
1. Define terms using chemical terminology, nomenclature,
units and other conventions.
2. Compare the structure of substances and chemical reactivity.
3. Describe important biochemical processes, structure and activity biologically
important molecules.
4. Apply the basic rules of safe work in the laboratory and at
field research with risk assessment during execution
laboratory procedures and independent application of standard methods
analysis and interpretation of results.
5. Implement designed popularization activities and educational programs
wider community on current topics while developing awareness of the significance
chemical and biological sciences for the development of society and their impact on
people's lives and the environment.
1. Plant phenols (salicin - analgesic effects, arbutin - urinary antiseptic effects)
2. Cardiotonic glycosides (digitoxigenin, gitoxigenin, gitaloxygenin), saponins (escin as venotonic, ginsenosides as adaptogens)
3. Flavonoids (reference substance quercetin), their biological effects (cardiotonics)
4. Anthraquinones (frangulin, emodin) and their purgative effects, coumarins and their effects on blood clotting
5. Alkaloids (hashish, opium, alkaloids from the Atropa belladonna species);
7. Substances of biogenic origin in tumor therapy (alkaloids from the genus Catharanthus, quercetin)
8. Substances of biogenic origin as immunostimulants
9. Essential oils (antimicrobial, relaxing, stimulating effects)
10. Plants with astringent action
11. Use of plant resins
12. Wild edible plants
13. Wild edible plants
14. Poisonous plants
15. Poisonous plants
The chemical structure of the mentioned plant bioactives will be presented
substances and their in vitro and in vivo biological effects and potential
risks when used in therapy

PRACTICUM (condensed hourly rate):
* Work in the field (determining and identifying plants of interest,
familiarization with their chemical composition, possible application, collection
- 10 o'clock
2. Analysis of bioactive substances by spectrophotometry and chromatography
methods - 20 hours
a) introduction to extraction methods
b) introduction into the analysis of bioactive substances
c) determination of the concentration of bioactive substances
e) isolation of substances
9. semester
Izborni predmeti biologija / kemija / nastava - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: