1. List and differentiate basic groups of marine organisms and habitats.
2. Recognise main characteristics of life in the sea.
3. Recognise connection between processes which take place in marine organisms on molecular and cellular level and the particularities of marine environment.
4. Define endangerment of the life in the sea and justify need for its protection.
5. Explain the need for intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration in sea research.
Course objectives are to present main characteristics of life and processes in the sea to the students, as well as their global importance, threats and need for its protection. After successfully passing the exam students will be able to use the acquired knowledge to understand and research the processes which take place in marine organisms on molecular and cellular level.
1. Introductory remarks, general terms, Global distribution of marine organisms and habitats.
2. Chemical and physical factors in the marine environment.
3. Methods of the sea research.
4. Ecological and evolutionary principles.
5. Adaptation of organisms to life in the sea.
6. Reproduction, distribution and migration of marine organisms.
7. Organisms in the water column (plankton, nekton).
8. Organisms on the sea bed (benthos).
9. Examples of some benthic communities (photophilic algae, sea-grass beds, estuaries, marine caves, coral reefs).
10. Life in the deep sea.
11. Productivity and food webs in the sea, cycling of matter and energy flow in the sea.
12. Biodiversity in the sea and its preservation.
13. Anthropogenic impact on the sea and the use of renewable biological resources from the sea.
14. Sustainability of human activities development in connection to the sea.
15. Protection and preservation of the Adriatic Sea.
Exercises are thematically connected to lectures: research methods (introduction to work with water sampler, grab, corers, plankton nets etc.), inspection of different samples of planktonic organisms, samples of sediment from beaches and deeper parts of the sea, algal herbaria, samples of benthic organisms from the Adriatic Sea - wet and dry preparations.
- Bakran-Petricioli, T. (2011): Priručnik za određivanje morskih staništa u Hrvatskoj prema Direktivi o staništima EU (ISBN 978-953-7169-84-8). Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 184 str.
- Bakran-Petricioli, T. (2007): Morska staništa - Priručnik za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja (serija Biološka raznolikost Hrvatske; ISBN 978-953-7169-31-2). Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, 56 str. + 102 str. priloga (http://www.dzzp.hr/publikacije/prirucnici/bioloska-raznolikost-hrvatske-prirucnici-za-inventarizaciju-i-pracenje-stanja-536.html)
- Interna skripta i prezentacije s predavanja
- Castro, P & Huber, ME (2005) Marine Biology, McGraw Hill, New York, SAD
- Lalli, CM & Parsons, TR (1994) Biological Oceanography: An Introduction, Pergamon, Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK
- Levinton, JS (2001) Marine Biology (Function, Diversity, Ecology), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK