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Aquaculture and Fisheries

Code: 53450
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Davor Zanella
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Davor Zanella - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes
1. Understand and attain the fundamental knowledge on the issues of controlled breeding of aquatic organisms in the conditions of today's accelerated development.
2. Understand and attain basic knowledge on the abiotic and biotic factors in aquaculture.
3. Explain the basic principles and breeding techniques of warm water species of freshwater fish.
4. Explain the basic principles and techniques of breeding cold water species of freshwater fish.
5. Explain the basic principles and techniques of breeding organisms in mariculture.
6. Understand and explain the basic facts and principles in freshwater and marine fisheries, and recreational fisheries in today's social framework.
7. Understand and analyse the fundamental legal aspects pertaining to the management of controlled breeding of aquatic organisms in Croatia and in the European Union.

Course content:

1. Introduction and historical overview of the development of aquaculture in Croatia and the world
2. The need for breeding aquatic organisms and the different breeding purposes
3. Abiotic and biotic factors in aquaculture
4. Division of aquaculture by breeding intensity and various types of fishponds
5. Fishponds for the breeding warm water fish species
6. Fish breeding in warm water fishponds, from larvae to consumable size
7. Fishponds for breeding cold water fish species
8. Fish breeding in cold water fish ponds, from larvae to consumable size
9. Health of aquatic organisms
10. Fundamental legal aspects pertaining to the management of controlled breeding of aquatic organisms in Croatia and in the European Union.Basics of mariculture and breeding techniques
11. Breeding of individual species in mariculture, from larvae to consumable size
12. Breeding of ornamental species
13. Breeding of freshwater crustaceans
14. Conservation aquaculture

Practical exercises:
1. Determine individual species of freshwater fish that are bred, and familiarisation with their basic biological and ecological properties
2. Determine individual species of marine fish that are bred, and familiarisation with their basic biological and ecological properties
3. Determination of individual aquatic organisms that are bred, and familiarisation with their basic biological and ecological properties

As part of the visit to the Crna Mlaka fishpond, the following will be covered:
4. Basics of natural and artificial spawning of warm water fish species
5. Keeping and selection of the brood stock
6. Raising larvae of individual warm water species
7. Raising fry of individual warm water species
8. Raising fish to consumable size of individual warm water species in polyculture
9. Fish nutrition and harvesting techniques in warm water fishponds

As part of the visit to a salmonid fishpond, the following will be covered:
10. Basic types of full-system cold water fishponds
11. Keeping and selection of the brood stock of rainbow trout
12. Raising of rainbow trout larvae
13. Raising of rainbow trout fry
14. Raising rainbow trout to consumable size
15. Breeding freshwater crustaceans
  1. Treer, T., Safner, R., Aničić, I., Lovrinov, M. (1995): Ribarstvo, Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb.
  2. Shephard, J., Bromage, N. (1988): Intensive Fish farming. Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Boston, Palo Lato, Melbourne.
  3. Grupa autora (1982): Slatkovodno ribarstvo, Jugoslavenska medicinska naknada, Zagreb.
  4. Bogut I., Horvath, L., Zdenek, A., Katavić, I. (2006): Ribogojstvo 2, Poljoprivredni fakultetu Osijeku, Osijek
  5. Adamek, Z.,Jirasek, J., Krupauer, V. (1989): Ribarstvi a ochrana vod. Vysoka škola zemledelská v Brne.
  6. Billard, R. (1999): The Carp Biology and Culture. Aquaculture and Fisheries, Springer Praxis Books.
1. semester
MODUL: BIOLOŠKA ZAŠTITA OKOLIŠA - Regular study - Environmental Sciences

3. semester
MODUL: BIOLOŠKA ZAŠTITA OKOLIŠA - Regular study - Environmental Sciences
Consultations schedule: