About employee

Marija Pranjić, mag. chem.

Title: Assistant
Location: soba 312
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 234
Internal phone number:6234
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: http://gruic.chem.pmf.unizg.hr/people/phd/#pranjic
Department: Division of Biochemistry
PhD graduation year:2024





Marija Pranjić graduated in 2017. from Faculty of Science in Zagreb with diploma thesis Ancestral proteins as thermostable analogues of extant proteins under the mentorship of dr. Marko Močibob. In the same year she was awarded with Chemistry department medal for excellence during study and becomes assistant at Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Biochemistry division.

As a teaching assistant she participates in practical and teaching courses: Biochemistry 1, Biochemistry 2, Basic Biochemistry Laboratory and Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory. She is the author of youtube channel “Biokemija 1” with educational videos for Molecular Biology students as well as other students that attend Biochemistry related courses.

In year 2024 she obtained her PhD in Biochemistry with thesis Cellular response to proteome-wide isoleucine mistranslation in Escherichia coli. During her PhD, she visits prof. Maček group for three months at Proteome center at Karls Eberhardt University (Tübingen, Germany) and gains knowledge in quantitative proteomics and mass spectrometry. She attends different mass spectrometry workshops and participates in organization of 1st Workshop on Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences held in Zagreb, 2022.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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List of select publications

  1. M. Pranjić, P. Spät, M. Šemanjski Čurković, B. Maček, I. Gruić-Sovulj, M. Močibob, Resilience and proteome response of Escherichia coli to high levels of isoleucine mistranslation, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 262 (2024), doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.130068.
  2. F. Matovinović, R. Novak, S. Hrkač, G. Salai, M. Močibob, M. Pranjić, A. Košec, V. Bedeković, L. Grgurević, In search of new stratification strategies: tissue proteomic profiling of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in patients with localized disease and lateral neck metastases, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 149 (2023) 17 405-17 417, doi: 10.1007/s00432-023-05452-0.