About employee

dr. sc. Karlo Miškec

Title: Senior research assistant
Location: Trg Marka Marulića 9A
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlo-mi%C5%A1kec-324392173/?originalSubdomain=hr
Department: Division of Botany
mr.sc. graduation year:2019
PhD graduation year:2024
Employed in this institution since:2020


By arrangement, contact by email.


I am a molecular biologist currently working in Laboratory for phytochemistry at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science where my main goal is to investigate the chain interaction between high environmental temperature (HT), plant metabolic parameters and physiological parameters of mammals (which feed on plants exposed to temperature stress), using a targeted specific metabolomic approach for plant analysis.

I have obtained my PhD working in Laboratory of Genetics and Epigenetics under the mentorship of PhD, Assoc. Prof. Aleksandar Vojta where I am researching the mechanism of IgG Fab and Fc chain glycosylation pathway and potential GWAS hits for glycosylation with epigenetic CRISPR/dCas9 modular system in suspension stable monoclonal cell lines HEK293-FreeStyle with dCas9/VPR or dCas9/KRAB domains stably integrated in cells genome. I also have great experience in lentiviral packaging, work with in vivo mouse and rat models and complex cell lines such as lmyphoblastoid cell line.

Additionally, I have two years of experience in working with plant tissue culture, bacterial and yeast strains. During my internship and Master's thesis internship I've mostly worked with recombinant protein expression and have mastered basic molecular methods such as Western blot, pull down, yeast two hybrid, X-Gal test, PCR, molecular cloning, optimizations of protein expression and solubility and other methods. I have great experience in plant tissue cultivation and manipulation as well as in bacterial and yeast cultivation.

List of select publications

1. A Transient Expression System with Stably Integrated CRISPR-dCas9 Fusions for Regulation of Genes Involved in Immunoglobulin G Glycosylation

Anika Mijakovac, Karlo Miškec, Jasminka Krištić, Vedrana Vičić Bočkor, Vanja Tadić, Maria Bošković, Gordan Lauc, Vlatka Zoldoš, Aleksandar Vojta

Publication date: 2022/1/12

Journal: The CRISPR Journal

Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers

2. Effects of Estradiol on Immunoglobulin G Glycosylation: Mapping of the Downstream Signaling Mechanism

Anika Mijakovac, Julija Jurić, Wendy M Kohrt, Jasminka Krištić, Domagoj Kifer, Kathleen M Gavin, Karlo Miškec, Azra Frkatović, Frano Vučković, Marija Pezer, Aleksandar Vojta, Peter A Nigrović, Vlatka Zoldoš, Gordan Lauc

Publication date:  2021/5/25

Journal: Frontiers in immunology

Volume: 12

Pages: 1922

3. BPM1 regulates RdDM-mediated DNA methylation via a cullin 3 independent mechanism

Mateja Jagić, Tamara Vuk, Andreja Škiljaica, Lucija Markulin, Vedrana Vičić Bočkor, Mirta Tokić, Karlo Miškec, Genadij Razdorov, Siniša Habazin, Marko Šoštar, Igor Weber, Nataša Bauer, Dunja Leljak Levanić

Publication date:  2022/9/6

Journal: Plant Cell Reports

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Pages: 1-19

4. Mapping of the gene network that regulates glycan clock of ageing


Azra Frkatović-Hodžić, Anika Mijakovac, Karlo Miškec, Arina Nostaeva, Sodbo Z Sharapov, Arianna Landini, Toomas Haller, Erik van den Akker, Sapna Sharma, Rafael RC Cuadrat, Massimo Mangino, Yong Li, Toma Keser, Najda Rudman, Tamara Štambuk, Maja Pučić-Baković, Irena Trbojević-Akmačić, Ivan Gudelj, Jerko Štambuk, Tea Pribić, Barbara Radovani, Petra Tominac, Krista Fischer, Marian Beekman, Manfred Wuhrer, Christian Gieger, Matthias B Schulze, Clemens Wittenbecher, Ozren Polasek, Caroline Hayward, James F Wilson, Tim D Spector, Anna Köttgen, Frano Vučković, Yurii S Aulchenko, Aleksandar Vojta, Jasminka Krištić, Lucija Klarić, Vlatka Zoldoš, Gordan Lauc

Publication date:  2023/12/12

Journal: Aging (Albany NY)

Publisher: Impact Journals, LLC

Pages: 14509

List of select projects

KK., project "Genomic engineering and gene regulation in cell lines and model organisms by CRISPR/Cas9 technology - CasMouse" 20.12.2019. – 31.12.2022.

Group Leader: Full Professor, Vlatka Zoldoš


IP-2022-02-7585 “Indirektni utjecaj globalnog zagrijavanja na fiziološke parametre sisavaca prehranom biljkama uzgojenim pri visokoj temperaturi" 15.02.2021. – 14.02.2025.

Group Leader: Assoc. Prof. Ivana Šola, PhD