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Physics 2

Code: 38184
ECTS: 8.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Petar Žugec
Lecturers: Ivan Jakovac - Exercises
Kristina Tomić Luketić - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 60
Exercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Acoustics: sound waves in a gas, resonance, acoustic instruments, intensity, beats, Doppler effect 2. Electromagnetic waves (radiowaves, IR, visible, UV, X, gamma,..), heat radiation. 3. The nature and propagation of light. 4. Geometrical optics. 5. Interference. 6. Diffraction. 7. The nature of heat. 8. Thermal equilibrium, temperature, entropy, canonical distribution. 9. Selected thermal phenomena (paramagnetism, properties of classical ideal gas). 10. Temperature scale, thermometers. A gas in a gravitational field. 11. Work due to volume expansion, the first law of thermodynamics, microscopic picture. 12. The second law of thermodynamics, phenomenological formulations. 13. Thermodinamic potentials. 14. Application of thermodynamics to an ideal gas. 15. Thermodynamics of the states of matter. 16. Heat transfer. 17. Diffusion. 18. Molecular model of transfer phenomena. 19. Liquids: hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure, buoyance, surface tension, capilarity, flow, Bernoulli equation, turbulences, viscosity. 20. Introduction to quantum mechanics: energy quantisation of a particle in a box, interpretation of wave functions, probability, normalisation. 21. Schrödinge equation, infinite potential well, example of gas molecules. 22. Quantizing of atomic oscillations in a crystal lattice. Example: quantum harmonic oscillator (without derivation). 23. Indistinguishability of kynetic and potential energy nonexistence of orbit. 24. Atom: Quantization of electron energy levels in Coulomb potential of a nucleus. Electron wave functions, fotone emission and absorption, electron spin, Pauli exclusion principle. 25. Fotoelectric effect: exit work of an electron from a metal. 26. Molecules: quantization of rotations and vibrations in a molecule, molecular spectra. 27. Nuclear physics: properties of nuclei, structure, radioactivity, nuclear reactions.

- explain surface tension and capillary effect
- distinguish hydrostatic, hydraulic, and hydrodynamic preasures; Apply Bernoulli equation
- explain temperature and entropy on statistical ground
- apply laws of thermodynamics to ideal gas processes
- distinguish thermodynamic potentials and identify corresponding processes
- explain real gasses and phase diagram of pure substances
- associate transport phenomena (diffusion, viscosity, thermal and electrical conductivity) according to microscopic explanation
- give example of oscillating modes in a system of several particles
- derive and solve wawe equation for a mechanical system and sound
- show emergence of beats; explain Doppler effect
- derive wave equation from Maxwell equations
- apply Huygens' principle to diffraction of light
- calculate constructive and destructive interference in various examples
- explain the nature of black-body radiation
- explain photoelectric effect and Planck quantization
- calculate wavelength of a particle and momentum of a photon; show an example of Heisenbergovih uncertainty relations
- solve the Schrödinger equation for simple cases
- explain energy levels of hydrogen atom and spectral lines
- explain molecular spectra (vibrational and rotational)
- describe basic properties of atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions
  1. H.D.Young, R.A.Freedman: Sears and Zemansky's University Physics, 11. izdanje, Addison Wesley, Reading 2004.
  2. J.Herak: Osnove kemijske fizike, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2001.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Physics 1

Examination :
Passed : Physics 1
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Chemistry
Consultations schedule: