The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (IGU-CSRS)
23 – 28 August 2020
Zagreb, Croatia
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the the Local Organising Committee and the Steering Committee of the International Geographic Union-Commission for the Sustainability of Rural Systems have decided that the 28th IGU-CSRS Colloquium in Croatia will be postponed one year.
This was not an easy decision to make, but in these difficult and uncertain times, when the health and lives of so many people around the world are threatened by COVID-19, we felt that this is the only responsible decision.
All abstracts accepted will be carried over to 2021. Also, any delegate may, if desired, submit a new abstract instead of the accepted. We will also give an opportunity to new participants to submit their abstracts in autumn/winter. Registration and payment will start in February 2021.
We hope to see you all next year in Croatia, but we understand that some of you might not be able to come due to pre-existing commitments.
On behalf of the Steering Committee of the IGU-CSRS and the Local Organising Committee, we warmly send our greetings and hopes that this pandemic virus will soon be over. We hope that this will also motivate humanity to rethink its values and aspirations.
Kindest regards,
Aleksandar Lukić,
Chair of the Local Organising Committee and member of the Steering Committee of the IGU-CSRS
Rural on the Move:
Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance
The Department of Geography, of the Faculty of Science, of the University of Zagreb welcomes you to the 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (IGU-CSRS). After organizing successful conferences of the IGU Commission for Water Sustainability (2014) and the IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Responses (2012), we are pleased to host academics, scholars, researchers and students interested in the past, present, and future of rural areas around the globe. The Colloquium seeks to provide an open international forum to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and challenge perspectives regarding potential paths for achieving rural sustainability in the 21st century.
All that’s missing is you, brave rural explorers from all regions of the world, each on your own quest to reach new frontiers of Rural on the Move!
14 October 2019: First call for paper and poster abstracts
2 December 2019: Second call for paper and poster abstracts
20 January 2020: Abstracts submission deadline
10 February 2020: Extended deadline
9 March 2020: Notification of abstract acceptance
16 March 2020: Conference registration opens
27 April 2020: Regular registration closes
28 April 2020: Late registration opens
1 June 2020: Late registration closes
Please feel free to contact us anytime: