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Code: 71941
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: nasl. doc. dr. sc. Ankica Oros Sršen
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduction to Zooarchaeology (history, methods, problems). The Quaternary period and site types. Introduction to osteology (anatomy of bones and teeth). Excavation methods and Quaternary research methods. Osteology of different vertebrate groups. Quaternary palaeoecology, paleoenvironments, palaeogeography, extinctions. Osteology of mammals - axial skeleton. Taphonomy: bone modifications and accumulation agents. Osteology of mammals - appendicular skeleton. Osteology and palaeoecology of small mammals. Palaeolithic. Mesolithic. Domestication. Neolithic. Biomolecular methods.Case studies: Krapina and Vela spila. Repetition and essays discussions. Preliminary exam (osteology).
  1. Reitz, E. J. and E. S. Wing, 2008. Zooarchaeology, Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  2. Schmid, E. 1972. Atlas of Animal Bones. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  3. Andrews, P., 1990. Owls, Caves and Fossils. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  4. Lyman, R. L. 1994. Vertebrate Taphonomy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
2. semester
Izborni kolegiji za Geologiju zaštite okoliša (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Environmental Geology
Izborni kolegiji za smjer Geologija i paleontologija (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Geology

4. semester
Izborni kolegiji za Geologiju zaštite okoliša (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Environmental Geology
Izborni kolegiji za smjer Geologija i paleontologija (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Geology
Consultations schedule: