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Code: 44089
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Maja Martinuš
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Maja Martinuš - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
History of Biosphere: Marine and Terrestrial environments, Life modes and trophic strategies, Global changes in atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, Geophysiology. Environmental control on biotic distribution: the structure of biosphere, Limiting factors on the distribution of organisms (light, nutrients, oxygen, temperature, salinity, substrate composition). Taphonomy: preservation potential (the fidelity of fossils assemblages), destruction (chemical, biological and physical) on sediment surface and below the sediment surface, Fossil lagersttaten, the taphonomy of plants and vertebrates. Adaptive morphology: terminology, growth strategies, investigative methods (paradigm approach, experimental palaeoautoecology, computer simulation), Adaptation, Morphology and environments (Pre - Vendian, Vendian, Tommotian, Cambrian, Paleozoic and modern biotas). Trace fossils: Preservation and taxonomy of ichnofossils, Marine and marginal marine trace fossils, Bioerosion, Terrestrial ichnofacies, Evolution of trace fossils. Fossils as environmental indicators: Clastic shelves, Carbonate environments, Oxygen deficient environments, Environment with high and low salinity, Firmness of substrate. Populations and communities: Types and dynamics of populations, Variations in populations, Spatial distribution, Opportunist and equilibrium species, Community structure, Numerical analysis of community, Community organization, Species diversity through time. Paleobiogeography: Modern biogeography, Definitions of paleobiogeography, Controls on biogeography (Dispersal vs. Vicariance biogeography), faunal province through time, Paleoclimatology, Biogeography and evolution and extinction. Evolutionary paleoecology of the marine biosphere: Diversification event in Earth history (the origin of life, the earliest prokaryote, appearance of eukaryote and metazoan, the Ediacara fauna, Cambrian fauna and three great evolutionary faunas), Extinction (pattern, causes and recoveries). Fossil terrestrial ecosystems: initial adaptation s and earliest fossil record of animals and plants, terrestrial ecosystem through time.
  1. Brenchley, P.J. & Harper, D.A.T., 1998, Palaeoecology, Ecosystems, Environments and evolution, Champan & Hall, London
  2. Prothero, D.R., 1998, Bringing fossils to life, An Introduction to Paleobiology, McGraw-Hill
2. semester
Obvezni izborni kolegij za Geologiju i paleontologiju (ljetni semestar - Regular study - Geology
Consultations schedule: