Title: | Full Professor |
Location: | 321 |
Public phone number: | 01/4895 412 |
E-mail: | mjakovci@geog.pmf.hr |
Department: | GEOG - Division of Social Geography |
integrated undergraduate and graduate
Martina Jakovčić was born in Zagreb in 1977. She graduated from the study of history and geography from the Department for History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, and received the title of history and geography professor. In 2001, she enrolled in the postgraduate study programme Geographic basis in spatial planning at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. She received her Doctorate in 2008, receiving the title of doctor of science, field geosciences, branch geography. Her scientific interests are economic geography, transport geography and urban geography, with special emphasis on contemporary changes in the spatial structure of cities. Since 2004, she has been employed at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, first as a junior researcher, then as a researcher. In 2009, she was appointed an assistant professor, and in 2016 an associate professor. From 2014 – 2015, she led the Croatian-Austrian bilateral project “Spatial effects of post-industrial and post-socialised rezoned Brownfield lands on urban development. A comparative study of Vienna and Zagreb” in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Science, Institute for Urban and Regional Geography. She participated in the international scientific projects CUPA – Cooperative Urban Planning Approaches (Interreg IIIC), PRESTO (EU Intelligent energy fund), SINERGIE – Social Integration Through Urban Growth Strategies (Europe for Citizens fund) and CH4LLENGE (EU Intelligent energy fund). She is currently participating in two expert projects and two projects financed from the European Social Fund (UP. Competency standards of teachers, pedagogues and supervisors, and UP. Implementation and advancements of professional practices at PMF – ProSPer PMF). She is author of 30 scientific papers, 15 professional papers and four chapters in scientific books. From 2009 – 2013, she served as Assistant Head of the department for teaching. From 2013 – 2015, she served as Assistant Head of the department for science and international cooperation. From 2017 – 2020, she served as Head of the Department of Geography. In October 2020, she became the Vice-dean for international cooperation.
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