Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering


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Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering

Code: 211850
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Snježana Markušić
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Davor Stanko - Seminar

doc. dr. sc. Davor Stanko - Lectures

doc. dr. sc. Davor Stanko - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Introducing students to the basics of geotechnical engineering and its application in
seismic and anti-earthquake engineering.
2. To introduce students to the methods of geotechnical field and laboratory research.
3. Learn the importance of geotechnical design and geotechnical constructions in protection from
4. Developing the ability to select and use appropriate geotechnical methods i
parameters for solving engineering problems
in seismology.
5. Application of geotechnical models in numerical modeling and the ability to analyze i
interpretation of results as well as performance
independent conclusions.
6. Independently process the latest knowledge from the application of geotechnical engineering in
seismic problem.
7. Acquisition of knowledge and skills for successful application in future professional and/or scientific work

Lectures: (30)
1. The role of geotechnical engineering and investigative works in seismic issues. Direct and indirect consequences of earthquakes. (2);
2. General rules for geotechnical design according to limit states. Eurocode 7. (2);
3. Local terrain properties. Topographic and morphological characteristics of the terrain. Typological and geometric properties of the soil. Soil composition. Groundwater level water. Soil erosion. Rock discontinuities, cracks and voids. (2);
4. Geotechnical study. Field investigation methods and geotechnical parameters. (2);
5. Geomechanical investigations. Exploratory drilling. In-situ testing (SPT, DPH, CPT ).
Identification of soil and rock types. (2);
6. Laboratory testing of soil and rock. (2);
7. Geophysical surveys. (2);
8. Relationship between seismic P and S velocities and elastic, compressible, compressive and shear moduli . (2);
9. Cyclic (dynamic) soil behavior. (2);
10. Geotechnical model of the soil in numerical analyzes of the seismic response of the soil. (4);
12. Liquefaction. (2);
13. Earthquake-induced landslides. (2)
11. Basic geotechnical constructions: retaining walls, construction pits, cuts in rock
masses, embankment stability, reinforced soil,
pilot rocks. Basics of geotechnical foundation of buildings. (2);
14. Geotechnical and seismic microzonation. (2);

Exercises: (15)
1. Numerical modeling of the seismic response of various geotechnical models. (6);
2. Basic calculations of earthquake liquefaction assessment. (3);
3. Basic slope stability calculations. (3).
4. Geotechnical and seismic microzonation of space. (3)
  1. Kramer, S.L. (1996): Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall International Series in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, New Jersey, USA.
    P.W. McDowell et al. (2002): Geophysics in Engineering Investigations, CIRIA, London,UK.
    Mayne P.W., Christopher B.R., DeJong J. (2001): Manual on Subsurface Investigations, Geotechnical Site Characterization, USA.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Engineering Seismology
Attended : Geology
3. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular study - Seismology and Physics of Solid Earth
Consultations schedule: