O djelatniku

dr. sc. Ivana Rešetnik

Zvanje: stručni savjetnik
Telefon:+385(0)1 4895 569
Telefon kućni:8091
E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/služba: Botanički zavod
Godina diplomiranja:2000.
Godina magistriranja:2006.
Godina doktoriranja:2011.
Na zavodu od:2001.




Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Pretraži Hrvatsku znanstvenu bibliografiju – CRORIS

Izabrane publikacije

Rešetnik I., Záveská E.,Grgurev M., Bogdanović S., Bartolić P., Frajman B. (2022) Stability in the South, Turbulence Toward the North: Evolutionary History of Aurinia saxatilis (Brassicaceae) Revealed by Phylogenomic and Climatic Modelling Data. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 822331

Španiel S.*, Rešetnik I.*  (2022) Plant phylogeography of the Balkan Peninsula: spatiotemporal patterns and processes. Plant systematics and evolution 308: 38. *S.Š. and I.R. contributed equally. 

Frajman B.*, Rešetnik I.*, Niketić M., Ehrendorfer F., Schönswetter P. (2016) Patterns of rapid diversification in heteroploid Knautia sect. Trichera (Caprifoliaceae, Dipsacoideae), one of the most intricate taxa of the European flora. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 204-204. *B.F. and I.R. contributed equally. 

Rešetnik I., et al. (2016) Genetic Diversity and Demographic History of Wild and Cultivated/Naturalised Plant Populations: Evidence from Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae). PLoS One 11: 7. 

Frajman B.*, Rešetnik I.*, Weiss-Schneeweiss H., Ehrendorfer F., Schönswetter P. (2015) Cytotype diversity and genome size variation in Knautia (Caprifoliaceae, Dipsacoideae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 140-140. *B.F. and I.R. contributed equally.

Rešetnik I., Frajman B., Bogdanović S., Ehrendorfer F., Schönswetter P. (2014) Disentangling relationships among the diploid members of the intricate genus Knautia (Caprifoliaceae, Dipsacoideae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 74: 97-110. 

Rešetnik I., Satovic Z., Schneeweiss G.M., Liber Z. (2013) Phylogenetic relationships in Brassicaceae tribe Alysseae inferred from nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 772-786. 

Rešetnik I., Liber Z., Šatović Z., Cigić P., Nikolić T. (2007) Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the Lilium carniolicum group (Liliaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 265: 45-58. 

Izabrani projekti

Voditeljica projekta:

  • "Phylogeography and evolution of three ecologically divergent amphi-Adriatic plant groups", Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, 2018-2024
  • "Diversification of the Festuca varia group (Poaceae)", Hrvatska-Austrija bilateralni projekt, 2022-2023
  • "Digitization of Herbarium of Ivo and Marija Horvat (ZAHO), Croatia"; IAPT grant, 2020
  • "Next-generation systematics of the south-eastern European genus Aurinia (Brassicaceae): evolution and phylogeography of an intricate plant group", Unity through knowledge fund, 2017-2018"
  • “Plant phylogeography in southeastern Europe: insights into polyploid evolution, rapid radiation and extensive gene flow in the genus Knautia (Caprifoliaceae)”, Hrvatska-Austrija bilateralni projekt, 2016-2017
  • “Digitalisation of Herbarium collections Herbarium Croaticum (ZA) and Herbarium Ivo and Marija Horbat (ZAHO)”, HAZU, 2016-2017