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Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database
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Mucko, M., Padisák, J., Gligora Udovič, M., Pálmai, T., Novak, T., Medić, N., Gašparović, B., Peharec Štefanić, P., Orlić, S., Ljubešić, Z. 2020: Characterization of a high lipid-producing thermotolerant marine photosynthetic pico alga in the genus Picochlorum (Trebouxiophyceae) European Journal of Phycology, 55, 384-399.
Babić, I., Mucko, M., Petrić, I., Bosak, S., Mihanović, H., Vilibić, I., Dupčić Radić, I., Cetinić, I., Balestrag, C., Casotti, R., Ljubešić, Z. 2018. Multilayer approach for characterization of bacterial diversity in a marginal sea: from surface to seabed. Journal of Marine Systems. 184, 15-27
Mucko, M., Bosak, S., Casotti, R., Balestra, C., Ljubešić, Z., 2018. Winter picoplankton diversity in an oligotrophic marginal sea. Marine Genomics. 42, 14-24.
2021-2025 IP-2020-02-9524 Island trapped waves as a driver of primary production, Croatian Science Foundation
2014 - 2017 Installation Research Project Bio-tracing Adriatic water masses (BIOTA), Croatian Science Foundation
2011 -2012 „Phytoplankton diversity in relation to environmental conditions in Tealšćica aquatorium NP Telašćica“
Associate on international projects:
2019 - COST Action: CA18238 - European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology, Leader: dr. sc. Ana Rotter
2016 - COST Action: OC-2015-2-20179 Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe (DNAqua-Net), Leader: dr. sc. Florian Leese
2015 - ESSEM COST Action ES1408 European network for algal-bioproducts (EUALGAE), Leader: dr. sc. Christina Gonzales