Title: | Full Professor |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 4606 263 |
Internal phone number: | 6263 |
E-mail: | |
Personal web page: | https://sites.google.com/view/phytomethdev/about-the-project |
Department: | Division of Molecular Biology |
Graduation year: | 1994 |
mr.sc. graduation year: | 1997 |
PhD graduation year: | 2000 |
Employed in this institution since: | 1994 |
Dunja Leljak-Levanić obtained PhD in Natural Sciences, Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology on 2001. Since 1994, she has been employed at Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: as a PhD student (1994-2001); as a Research assistant (2001-2005); as an Assistant Professor (2005-2013), and since 2013 as an Associate Professor. She spent 20 months as post-doctoral fellow of Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation (2004-2005) at Institute for molecular biology of plants (Hamburg University) working on zygotic embryogenesis and zygotic genome activation in wheat.
D. Leljak-Levanić has long term experience in reproductive developmental biology and molecular biology of plants, with respect to plant embryogenesis, its onset, establishment of polarity and body pattern. She is experienced in micromanipulation of male and female plant gametophytes.
Up to date, D. Leljak-Levanić has published: 25 original scientific papers published in journals indexed by Current Contents, WoS, SCI, SCIE, BA and 5 book chapters. Sum of times cited (October 2013) according to Scopus is 90x with h-indeks 5
She has participated with more than 25 presentations on the national and international scientific meetings and performed 2 invited lectures. She is involved in teaching in Graduate, Postgarduate and Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science, Zagreb.
Principal and Co-Principal investigator of successfully terminated grants:
Research associate at grants:
1) 2013 - Croatian Ministry of science, education and sports “The role of Arabidopsis thaliana BPM1 protein in chromatin remodeling” (PI: doc. N. Bauer) – The aim is to elucidate mechanism of BPM1 action on chromatin remodeling
The aim of the project is to generate white-barried clone of Croatian indigenous grapevine variety “Plavac mali” via the process of somatic embryogenesis induced on naturally occurred chimeric plants. We established an efficient system for the somatic embryogenesis and observed that grapevine somatic embryos develop through the stages that fully resemble normal zygotic embryo development, and that they have a high potential for plantlets regeneration. Project termination: November, 2013)
The aim of the project is to elucidate a link between somatic embryogenesis and stress responses in plants. Focus is given on characterization of MATH-BTB protein functions during gametogenesis and early embryogenesi.
List of relevant references:
Show publications in CRORIS
List of relevant references:
1. Jagić, M., Vuk, T., Škiljaica, A., Markulin, L., Vičić Bočkor, V., Tokić, M., Miškec, K., Razdorov, G., Habazin, S., Šoštar, M., Weber, I., Bauer, N. and Leljak Levanić, D. (2022). Plant Cell Report 41(11):2139-2157. doi: 10.1007/s00299-022-02911-9. IF(2021) 4.964 Q1
2. Markulin, L., Škiljaica, A., Tokić, M., Jagić, M., Vuk, T., Bauer, N. and Leljak Levanić. D. (2021) Frontiers in Plant Science. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.764999/abstract.IF 6.627 Q1, 1
3. Leljak-Levanić, D., Juranić, M. Sprunck, S. (2013) Plant Reprod 26(3), 267-285 Q1
4. Leljak-Levanić, D., Horvat, T., Jelena Martinčić, J., Bauer, N.(2012) PLoS ONE 7(12): e51184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051184. Q1
5. Juranić, M., Srilunchang, K-o., Krohn, N.G., Leljak-Levanić, D., Sprunck, S., Dresselhaus, T. (2012) Plant Cell 24, 4974-4991Q1
6.Mihaljević, S., Radić, S., Bauer, N., Garić, R., Mihaljević, B., Horvat, G., Leljak-Levanić, D., and Jelaska, S. (2011) J Plant Physiol 168, 1943-1951 Q1
7. Dresselhaus,T., Srilunchang, K., Leljak-Levanić, D., Schreiber, D. N., and Garg, P. (2006) Plant Physiol 140, 512-527 Q1
8. Leljak-Levanić, D., Bauer, N., Mihaljević, S. and Jelaska, S. (2004) Plant Cell Rep 23, 120 – 127 Q1
9. Leljak-Levanić, D., Bauer, N., Mihaljević, S. and Jelaska, S. (2004): J Plant Physiol 161, 229-236 Q1