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General Zoology

Code: 36141
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge:
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1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)

Introduction of basic concepts in zoology, structure and function of tissues, organs and organic systems in animals.


- to gain knowledge on the basics of animal kingdom contemporary systematic

- to understand animals organic system structure and function

- to understand animals organs and organic systems structure and functions development in evolutionary context



1. Zoology and its sub disciplines, development of zoology overview, functional and structural characteristics of animal organisms, basic concept of anatomy and morphology of animals, animal body plan, concept of animal symmetry, animal diversity and extinctions of species
2-3. Evolution, Darwin and Wallace, evidences of evolution, evolutionary mechanisms, micro and macroevolution, variability of organisms, species and speciation, population, mechanisms of isolation, classification of organisms, animal systematic, taxonomy, phylogenetic systematic, cladistics, nomenclature, Linne, basic methodology in zoological research
4. Prokarya, Eukarya, domains and kingdoms, cell evolution, endosymbiotic theory, evolution of multicellular organisms, characteristics and theories of the origin of Metazoa, body cavities and embryological layers; Heterotrophic protists Protozoa,
5-8. Animals systematic overview of Metazoa: Parazoa and Eumetazoa: Radiaria and Bilateria: Protostomia and Deuterostomia,
9. Structure and function of animals organs and organic systems and their development, structural and functional evolution of different organic systems; Epithelial system: role, lipoprotein double layer membrane, pellicle, epidermis, glands, cuticle, pigmentation, squamous tissues; Skeletal system: role, hydroskeleton, exoskeleton, endoskeleton,
10. Muscle system: animal movement pattern, cytoskeleton, amoeboid movement, ciliary and flagellar locomotion, muscle tissue, structural and functional characteristics of smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues; Nervous system: overview of different nervous systems in animals (net nervous system, ladder nervous system, central and peripheral nervous system); Nervous tissue: neurons, neuroglial cells, nervous cords and myelinisation, impulse transmission, synapse,
11. Sensory system; sensory and supportive cells, sensory reception of protozoan and multicellular animals, exoreceptors and proprioreceptors, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, photoreceptors, thermoreceptors; Respiratory system: anaerobic and aerobic respiration, respiration in water and on land, respiration through body surface, gills, tracheal system and lungs, development of lungs, respiration in birds,
12. Circulatory system: function, body fluids: hydrolimph, coelomic fluid, haemolymph, blood and lymphatic system; Digestive system: function, autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms, food type and size, different ways of food consumption, digestion: intracellular and extracellular, different types of digestive systems in animals, incomplete and complete digestive system,
13. Excretory system: amoniotelic, ureotelic and uricotelic animals, different forms of excretory system: body surface, contractile vacuoles, structure and function of nephridia, antennal, maxillary and coxal glands, Malpighian tubules, kidney system: first, second and third kidney, nephron,
14. Reproductive system: asexual reproduction (binary and multiple fission, plasmotomy, budding) regeneration, autotomy; sexual reproduction (different types, structure, hermaphrodites, bisexual animals, external and internal fertilization, parthenogenesis, reproductive system, structure of reproductive organs, spermatophores, egg types, embryonic and postembryonic development, generation exchange, animal mating and sex determination),
15. Hormonal system: hormones, neurohormones and gland hormones, hormonal activity in invertebrates and vertebrates,


Practical work will be held according to course contents (syllabus).
  1. Opća zoologija (2010) Matoničkin, Klobučar, Kučinić ,Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 467 str.
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: