Mobile Cartography


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Mobile Cartography

Code: 213104
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Exercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular study - Environmental Sciences
Consultations schedule:
  • prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak:

    Consultations for the subjects "Geoecology and Environmental Protection", "Applied Geoecology", "Natural Basis in Spatial Planning" and "Natural Basis in Tourism" are held after the lectures of these subjects by prior appointment by e-mail.

    For consultations for bachelor's theses, diploma theses and dissertations, it is necessary to arrange a meeting in advance by phone or via e-mail.

    Location: 332
  • prof. dr. sc. Nenad Buzjak:

    Consultations for the subjects "Geoecology and Environmental Protection", "Applied Geoecology", "Natural Basis in Spatial Planning" and "Natural Basis in Tourism" are held after the lectures of these subjects by prior appointment by e-mail.

    For consultations for bachelor's theses, diploma theses and dissertations, it is necessary to arrange a meeting in advance by phone or via e-mail.

    Location: 332